Florida Deputy Uses CPR to Save a Truck Driver’s Life

On June 16, 2023, Volusia sheriff’s deputy, Brian Walsh was traveling south along I-195, near Oak Hill, on a Friday evening around 6:00 pm.. Suddenly, the officer noticed a dump truck veering off the road. The truck smashed into a guard rail where it came to a stop

In response, Sergeant Walsh darted over to the truck where he found the driver slumped over the wheel unconscious.

Fortunately, the sheriff knew CPR and successfully administered the life-saving procedure to the unresponsive trucker.

Acting swiftly, Walsh pulled the driver out of the truck and initiated compressions until paramedics arrived on the scene. Body cam footage caught the officer’s efforts while he waited for emergency help to arrive.

Because of Walsh’s efforts and the support of paramedics, the driver regained a pulse and was transported to the hospital for further treatment.

The Volusia sheriff’s office recognized Sergeant Walsh by giving him a Lifesaving Award. The police medal recognizes bravery in the line of duty – given to an officer who rescues a fellow officer or another individual from  imminent peril.

Because of Walsh’s CPR training, the driver is now on the road to recovery.

Learning CPR – It’s Your Turn to Possibly Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

Hopefully, this story will inspire you to take CPR training online. CPR is an essential tool, whether you work as an emergency responder or you are John or Jill citizen.

CPR, or cardiopulmonary  resuscitation, is a technique that everyone should know.

When CPR is Typically Used

CPR is used when  a patient suffers a sudden cardiac arrest or SCA. During an SCA, every second counts as the heart often beats irregularly or typically stops pumping oxygen-rich blood to the organs. The patient usually stops breathing, causing unconsciousness.

A drowning, electrocution, heart attack, or drug overdose may lead to an SCA.

5 Reasons to Learn CPR Now

Get in the know and learn CPR online so, you too, can possess the knowledge needed to act quickly in an emergency. Below are five good reasons why you should sign up for online training today.

1. CPR is a life-saving procedure

Each year, countless individuals experience sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) outside of medical facilities. The chances of survival decrease rapidly when the heart stops beating, making immediate action vital. By administering CPR, you can effectively maintain a person’s blood flow until emergency responders arrive. This type of effort doubles or even triples the rate of survival.

2. CPR increases the rate of recovery

Again, time is absolutely critical for those suffering from an SCA. If a person goes 4 to 6 minutes  without oxygen, irreversible brain damage or death may occur. Administering CPR within those first few minutes can mean the difference between life and death.

3. A chance to make a difference

When done correctly a bystander, CPR, again, has been proven to improve survival rates. Unfortunately many people hesitate to step in  and administer CPR due to fear or lack of knowledge and training.

By educating yourself on how to provide this life-saving skill, you can truly make a difference  during an emergency.

4. Accessible and valuable training

CPR isn’t just for medical professionals. Anyone can learn this vital skill through an online training course.

5. Increased confidence

Learning CPR and knowing when to use it can boost your level of self-confidence. As a result, you’ll be better able to cope during an emergency. Having this type of knowledge can get you through high-pressure situations with less fear and trepidation and more objectivity.

In Conclusion

By mastering CPR, you can empower yourself and build a safer community or workplace. Every single moment counts when someone experiences an SCA. Therefore, knowing how to act promptly is well worth taking a certification course online.


Donna Ryan
Donna Ryan is a writer and editor with extensive writing and editing experience. She has covered subjects, such as health and fitness, home and gardening, technology, travel, business, and general news content. She is also an award-winning poet. You can send her a message by visiting donnaryanwriting@wordpress.com.