Philadelphia CPR Training on the Go

Each year, nearly 4 million Pennsylvanians use SEPTA, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transport Authority to get to their jobs, run errands, and explore all that this wonderful region has to offer. SEPTA uses rapid transit, buses, light rail, and other modes of transportation to get riders from Point A to Point B quickly and safely.
You already count on SEPTA to meet your transportation needs, but what if utilizing mass transit could actually help you save a life? That is the premise behind the latest innovative idea for CPR training: mini CPR classes that you can participate in without disrupting your schedule while waiting for your train or making your way around the city.
These quick and easy classes are designed to last only 2 minutes. Using plastic dummies, participants learn how to accurately check for signs of cardiac arrest and start potentially life-saving chest compressions.
Traditionally, the American Heart Association, American Red Cross and other organizations recommended CPR training that included both rescue breaths and chest compressions. However, current recommendations state that bystanders should simply administer hard and fast compressions to the center of the person’s chest after calling 911 for professional assistance.
This change has made CPR more accessible to those without any formal medical training. It has also made it possible for the basic principles of CPR to be taught quickly and succinctly.
Hands-only CPR can be utilized in the first vital minutes after cardiac arrest occurs before emergency workers arrive. These mobile CPR classes are designed to make customers, SEPTA employees, and even bystanders aware of what to do if they witness an emergency.
The program started at the Jefferson and Suburban stations, and it is scheduled to continue to move to SEPTA stations across the region. If you see one of these mobile training sessions occurring during your commute, consider giving up a few moments of your day to learn how to assist someone who has experienced cardiac arrest. You never know when an emergency will occur, but it’s great to have the confidence that comes from knowing how you can best help in this type of situation.
Here at In-Pulse CPR, we are thrilled to see CPR training that is open and accessible to as many people as possible. CPR training empowers bystanders and has the power to save lives. If you are searching for more in-depth training in the greater Philadelphia, PA, area for yourself or for your group, we invite you to contact us for more information.