CPR Training Classes in Hershey Pennsylvania

Click on the calendar image to view your state's training schedule & 6 CPR training class locations across Pennsylvania, including one near you.

(Click on the image to be taken to your State’s upcoming trainings calendar)

We have American Heart CPR classes in the Hershey area several times every month.

These classes include:

BLS for Healthcare Professionals (Nurses, Dental, etc)
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Heartsaver CPR with AED
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(Often if on a Saturday we may also offer)
Heartsaver CPR with First Aid (often needed for Daycare Providers)
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Surrounding areas include:

Derry Twp, South Hanover Twp, Hummelstown, Campbelltown, Pamyra, conewago Twp, North Londonderry Twp, Skyline View, East Hanover Twp, South Londonderry Twp, West Hanover Twp, Rutherford, Grantville, South Annville Twp, North Annville Twp, Londonderry Twp, Middletown, Lower Swatara Twp, Royalton, Annville Twp, Paxtonia, Lawnton, Linglestown, Colonial Park, Lower Paxton Twp, Highspire, Swatara Twp, East Hanover Twp, Mt Joy Twp, Timber Hills, Elizabethtown, Cleona, Paxtang, Mt Gretna, Progress, West Comwall Twp, Penbrook, North Cornwall Twp, Goldsboro, Steelton, West Donegal Twp, Fort Indiantown Gap, Quentin, Rheems, West Lebanon Twp, Valley Green, Sesquehanna Twp, New Cumberland, Lebanon, ARC Dauphin & Lebanon Counties.

Upcoming  First Aid, AED, Custom and CPR Trainings