SCA Miracles: 3-Year-Old Girl Saved with CPR After Near Drowning
One little girl survived a near downing, thanks to her mother’s knowledge of CPR. After a neighborhood pool party, Alise Nipper came perilously close to losing her life when she slipped and toppled into a neighbor’s backyard pool.
After Alise was found at the bottom of the water, unconscious and without a pulse, all hope seemed to be lost for the vivacious three-year-old. However, her mother’s quick action and the power of prayer were about to deliver an incredible miracle.
On a hot summer day in 2015, Alise and her mother, Jamie, had gone to a friend’s home for a poolside party. As storm clouds rolled in, the kids were called in from the pool and the festivities. Those dark and treacherous clouds soon turned out to be an omen.

In the hustle to leave, Jamie went against her feeling and removed the life vest her daughter was wearing.
That’s when her worst nightmare came true. Turning away for a moment, Jamie realized with panic that Alise was nowhere to be found. She immediately went into action to locate her daughter while shouting to the other parents to call for emergency help.
A frantic search ensued until Alise was discovered – lifeless at the bottom of the neighbor’s pool. Without further thought, Jamie dove in, pulled her daughter from the depths, and immediately began administering CPR.
Another parent, Heather, who was also trained in lifesaving measures and techniques, helped with the resuscitation effort.
As the minutes ticked by without a response, the two mothers fought desperately to revive Alise.
For 12 unbearably long minutes, Alise’s heart would not beat on its own. Her color faded as medical help rushed to the scene.
While doctors at the hospital gave the family a poor prognosis of the child’s survival, the little girl still prevailed.
Although Alise was breathing, she also was still listed in critical condition. Dr. Jeremy Garrett observed that both Alise’s “body and brain were hurt.” He added, “Her lungs [were also severely injured] which continued to be a problem.”
However, you can’t dispute the miracles that can occur when people know CPR and are able to use it. Against all odds, Alise slowly began to recover.
Within days, she opened her eyes, then spoke and even sang – stunning caregivers with her rapid and miraculous progress.
Though her lungs and brain had endured a severe trauma, she continued improving beyond medical explanation.
After just two weeks, Alise defied expectations and finally went home. The steadfast child’s physician could only attribute her survival to the quick actions that saved her life combined with the power of prayer.
Through a mother’s love and a community’s faith, this brave little girl cheated death and was delivered from what could have been a tragedy. Her recovery stands as a testament to the miracles that can occur when you know CPR and when you pray and keep the faith.