Can I stop CPR before the paramedics arrive if I am too exhausted to continue?

I am exhausted performing cpr and can't continue.

One morning, Susan went to a national park for a morning walk. As she was walking down the trail, she came across a man who was on the ground unconscious. Since she took a CPR class, she knew what to do. She immediately called 911 and started CPR. She performed CPR for about 20 minutes and began to get tired, so she stopped. After a few minutes, she started CPR again, but only for a couple of minutes. She performed CPR on and off for 20 minutes before the ambulance got there. The paramedics informed Susan that the man likely passed away 2 hours ago. Susan later met the man’s wife. She told Susan that a month ago, they had lost their daughter in a school shooting, and when she heard what happened to her husband, she started losing hope in humanity, but when she found out that Susan tried to help her husband, she had hope for humanity once again.

It is okay to stop CPR if you’re too exhausted to continue. If you pass out from helping an unconscious victim, you’re helping no one.

If you are interested in learning CPR, go to


Elayne Bowman