Why is it important to learn CPR?

Heart attacks are a common health concern that has affected millions of individuals worldwide. Unfortunately, millions more are still at risk of experiencing a heart attack, which can be a life-threatening event. In such cases, knowing how to perform CPR can make all the difference in saving a person’s life. That’s why it’s crucial to […]


CPR and AED: Understanding the Role of Defibrillators in Resuscitation

AED and crocheted heart

When it comes to saving lives in emergency situations, having a solid understanding of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is crucial. However, in some cases, performing CPR alone might not be sufficient to revive a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. This is where Automated External Defibrillator (AED) comes into play. In this blog post from In-Pulse CPR, […]


The Importance of Knowing CPR in the Workplace

CPR Class

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to act swiftly in a time of crisis is crucial, especially in scenarios that involve medical emergencies. While CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training and certification classes are highly recommended, certain businesses, like In-Pulse CPR, Inc., understand that requiring every employee to be CPR-certified is not always feasible for all positions. […]


CPR Instruction: Giving Constructive Feedback

CPR instruction involves giving constructive feedback so students feel confident about their newly learned skills. Knowing this skill can go a long way toward making the learning environment interesting and positive. How to Use Constructive Criticism Properly Use constructive criticism to improve communications with students. Therefore, to make this happen you need to: Tell the student […]


5 People Who Aren’t Required To Be CPR Certified, But Should Be Certified Anyway

Not every profession requires that you become CPR certified. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of professions have no requirements for these certifications or incentivize their employees to obtain them. However, here at In-Pulse CPR, we work with people to provide AHA-backed CPR certifications, and we hear deeply moving, powerful, and personal stories all the time about CPR making the difference in an emergency situation.