Understanding and Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest

In the bustling streets of New York, 35-year-old Shawn was rushing to catch the subway when he suddenly collapsed. Bystanders watched helplessly as this seemingly healthy young professional lie motionless on the platform. What they witnessed was a chilling example of a silent killer. It can strike anytime, anywhere and can affect anybody, regardless of […]


The 2027 AED Legislation in California: Risky and Dangerous

Dangerous Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the United States, with nearly 356,000 out-of-hospital cases occurring each year. When it comes to saving lives, every second counts. That’s where CPR and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) come into play. To address the issue, California has passed a  law that will take […]


His Team Lost, but He Won!

  Leo Staudacher hadn’t planned on watching the Michigan-Notre game on television, let alone in a hospital ICU unit. But he was very grateful to have seen the end of the game at all. The 69 year old Bay City man was watching the game at Michigan Stadium when he collapsed from sudden cardiac arrest, […]


What a Bystander was Taught Saves a Teacher’s Life

When paramedics in Dallas arrived at Sarah Zumwalt Middle School, they found a teacher in the midst of a heart attack. “He was in ventricular fibrillation, a fatal rhythm,” said Fire Department Lieutenant Greg Henderson. They also found that a fellow educator already was performing CPR. Said Henderson, “Bystander CPR is what saved this person’s […]


Ballpark CPR

Ballparks are always a fun gathering place for many people and families. The excitement of seeing your child playing baseball can bring out a sense of pride, and enjoyment. But, as fun as ballparks are, they can also be dangerous. There are many different types of injuries that can occur at a ballpark, one of […]


Safety on the beach

written by Pearl Salkin | What could be better than spending a beautiful spring day at the beach? Kids living at the coast or lakeside have perennially played hooky on a hot May day to enjoy the sand and the surf. Similarly, grandmas and grandpas in Miami and throughout the Sunshine State often find the […]


Miracle in Marin

The call came in to the Marin County, California Fire Department: “Bicyclist down”. Dispatchers say they get a lot of such calls, usually involving minor injuries. This one was different.   When a fire truck and paramedics rolled up to the scene, a bystander was performing CPR on the downed cyclist, who’d had a heart […]


An Intersection of Need and Know-how

Some might call it a bizarre set of coincidences, while others would say it was divine intervention. Either way, the fact that a 22-month old girl survived cardiac arrest was a miracle directly attributable to the CPR training of a passerby.   The toddler was visiting with relatives in St. Catharine’s, Canada, when the crisis […]


Trained in CPR

You’re never too young to have a heart attack – or too young to save the life of someone who’s had one. Beth Scroggs was only 52 and in good health, riding San Francisco BART commuter train, when suddenly she slumped over in her seat, unconscious. Ms. Scroggs had suffered a cardiac arrest, the leading […]


What is Capnography?

With the 2010 guidelines, American Heart Association now endorses wave form capnography. So what is Capnography? Capnography is becoming an integral part of the monitoring done in the prehospital environment.  A capnograph is used to monitor/measure the amount of carbon dioxide in respiratory gases.  It provides information about the effectiveness of respiration’s, and end-tidal carbon […]


A Life Saved, Automatically!

Bystanders performing CPR and law enforcement officers equipped with a readily-available electronic device saved the life of a 74-year old heart attack victim in Cayucos, California. In both cases, a few hours of training made all the difference. Ben Hunt was having dinner with his wife at a restaurant, when he looked through the window […]


My dad is Superman

The morning of the 3rd Saturday in May of 2008 was not any different than any other 3rd Saturday of any other month for Joe Fernando. A librarian by profession, Joe was also a trained first aid support volunteer. More like a custom out of habit, Joe got up late, prepared himself for the day […]