What is Bloodborne Pathogens Training?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) supports bloodborne pathogens training. It is used to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens or viruses. The main pathogens include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 

Bloodborne pathogens training is not limited to healthcare workers. Therefore, anyone who works with or around patients can benefit from the program. 

What to Expect from Bloodborne Pathogens Training

When you take bloodborne pathogens training, you will learn about the risks of the related diseases. You will also focus on preventing transmission. The training covers exposure to blood and other bodily fluids. You’ll also go over the use of protective devices.

If you work in a medical setting, you should take the training

Working Conditions and Risks of Healthcare Settings

If you’re in close contact with patients each day, your risk for getting ill increases. That is why you should receive bloodborne training. If you want to help others, you have to help yourself as well.

Infection Control and Safety Practices

A bloodborne pathogens training course will teach you everything you need to know about infection control. You’ll learn the proper safety practices to follow to protect yourself from bloodborne diseases. 

Bloodborne pathogens are spread through direct contact with an infected individual. Therefore, you can contract the microorganisms from bodily fluids, surfaces or items. Avoid direct contact as much as possible.

An Overview of Common Bloodborne Pathogens Diseases

Infection with the hepatitis B virus triggers HBV. Symptoms may include jaundice, exhaustion, abdominal distress, or joint pain. Children, with HBV, may experience chronic illnesses. A chronic HBV infection can lead to cirrhosis (liver scarring) or liver cancer. Doctors can prevent hepatitis B by administering vaccinations.

Infection with the hepatitis C virus causes HCV. Drug users who use needles often contract the disease. If you receive a transfusion of unscreened blood, you’re also at a higher risk for getting sick. However, the majority of those with HCV do not display symptoms at all. Therefore, doctors may find it difficult to make a diagnosis.

A chronic hepatitis C infection may cause severe liver damage. Researchers have not discovered a cure for HCV. However, they can use drugs to treat the liver and improve immune activity.

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It is spread mostly via the blood or bodily fluids. Unprotected sexual activity or the use of unsterilized needles increase risk. People who receive transfusions with infected blood may also become infected.

AIDS has no vaccine. However, doctors can treat patients who have the virus.

Safeguarding Yourself and Others

Besides learning more about the signs of bloodborne diseases, you need to know how to keep yourself safe. This is especially important if you are in a high-risk job in healthcare. 

Therefore, you need to avoid coming into direct contact with blood, bodily fluids, and contaminated surfaces or items. Wash your hands often. Avoid sharing food, drinks and utensils with others. Use barriers when treating patients. Wear masks, gloves or gowns to stay safe.


You may find working in healthcare fulfilling. However, it also increases your risk of getting sick. Therefore, taking a bloodborne pathogens training course is one smart move to make. 


Donna Ryan
Donna Ryan is a writer and editor with extensive writing and editing experience. She has covered subjects, such as health and fitness, home and gardening, technology, travel, business, and general news content. She is also an award-winning poet. You can send her a message by visiting donnaryanwriting@wordpress.com.