Exploring Different Levels of Heartsavers Training for Diverse Skillsets

In today’s fast-paced world, being prepared for emergencies is crucial. In-Pulse CPR offers Heartsavers training programs designed to cater to various skillsets, making life-saving techniques more accessible. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or a complete novice, there’s a Heartsavers course tailored for you. Basic CPR/AED Skills The foundational Heartsavers course introduces essential CPR and AED […]


First Aid for a Smoke Victim: What You Need to Know

The first thing you should know is that smoke inhalation can be fatal. If someone is exposed to a fire or an emergency situation, they’re at risk of having second- and third-degree burns. They may also suffer from inhalation injuries. Therefore, they need first aid immediately. The body’s natural response to inhaling smoke is to […]


Camping Safety Tips

Camping is an activity that’s enjoyed by millions every year, and the best thing about this activity is that it can be enjoyed year round – winter, spring, summer and fall. So, whether you plan on roughing it in a tent or planning a family outing to a national park, there’s no reason why you […]


First Aid Kit for Hiking

Hiking is a great outdoor activity that can give you well-rounded, and balanced benefits. Most people to hike for the pure enjoyment of the sport; to get out in nature and see the sites. Exercise is another motivating factor behind hiking. It is a great way to get a good cardio, as well as muscle […]


Packing for Camping Safety

  There is nothing more peaceful than a trip to the great outdoors. Being amongst nature is a relaxing departure from the daily grind. Camping may seem, to some, a rather passive activity requiring little forethought. However, this could not be further from the truth. Without proper packing, camping can indeed be extremely dangerous. Smart packing means safe camping, don’t be caught without these essential […]


12 Safety Tips Every Hiker Needs to Know

  It’s no secret that hiking is a fun activity in which the entire family can participate in.  After all, who wouldn’t enjoy observing the natural elements that surround us?   Even though hiking is an adventurous sport with many advantages, such as beautiful scenery and health benefits, it can also have disadvantages, such as […]


Going to the Beach? Remember, Safety Comes First!

In my opinion, there’s nothing more fun to do in the summer than take a beach vacation.  Growing up, my family and I would visit the beach multiple times a year and we all loved it!  Splashing in the waves, walking on the wet sand, collecting shells – it can’t get much better than that! […]


Babysitting and CPR / First Aid

Babysitting is an important job. It requires first and foremost, the love of children, but beyond that, there are many qualifications you must possess in order to be a good and responsible babysitter. Children of all ages have needs that require tending to. You will need to be aware of the different age groups, and […]


Severe Weather Safety Tips

In 2011 Atlanta, GA suffered from more severe weather than it has in many years. It seems as though the weather here in Atlanta gets worse every year; with everything from snow storms that last for weeks to a battery of tornados, and thunder storms that rage across the state like an angry bull. Be […]


Quantity over Quality? Not all CPR classes are the same.

As a former daycare provider, I know a daycare center prides itself on how many teachers they can say are CPR and First Aid certified. When a potential parent is touring and the director can say that a large percentage of the staff is certified…well, how much better can it get? I was certified for […]


Hiking Preparedness

Written by Susan Patterson Without proper planning, a hike can quickly turn into a nightmare. Avoiding unnecessary accidents and incidents is possible with adequate preparation. Remember, it is equally vital to prepare for a day hike, as it is to prepare for a longer journey. Know your route well and always take a friend along. Hiking alone is dangerous […]