CPR Recertification: What You Need to Know

CPR recertification and safety training

CPR recertification is necessary if you want to keep your CPR card in force. Therefore, you’ll need to schedule a refresher CPR class. Consider CPR a lifelong skill, as you’ll need to stay current on lifesaving methods. CPR Recertification and Refresher CPR Courses  The American Heart Association (AHA) has set the standard in this respect. […]


Why do we need CPR training?

In-Pulse CPR is an American Heart AHA Training Center (TC)

Introduction According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Each year heart disease claims the lives of more than 600,000 people. And the numbers are gradually increasing each year. According to data released by the American Heart Association, more than 50% of cardiac arrests occur away from a […]


Why Parents Should Learn Infant CPR

We often hear the word CPR used in casual conversation in child care centers or in hospitals. CPR is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This lifesaving measure is performed when a child or adult has stopped breathing or the heart stops beating. This may happen after certain incidents, such as an injury, choking, suffocation, heart attack, […]


Exploring The Benefits of Taking CPR Classes

The unfortunate truth is that sudden cardiac arrest is considered to be one of the leading causes of death in America. The reason why so many people who have cardia arrest outside of a hospital die is because there are no bystanders who are capable of performing CPR to increase the chances of survival. The […]


CPR in Schools

Before he graduates from high school, you know that your student will be taught about literature, algebra, and even health. Today’s public school teachers work hard to give students a well-rounded education. However, some schools also give students an added bonus. When students from these schools receive their high school diplomas, they have CPR knowledge […]


Family of Lost Teen Calls for Further Use of CPR and AEDs

Several factors can lead to an individual’s heartbeat or breathing unexpectedly coming to a halt, from blood infections, to heart attacks, to simple accidents. Even when the cause of a cardiac arrest isn’t known, there is still a way to reduce the chances of the situation being fatal, if only someone nearby administers CPR immediately, […]


Signs of a potential Heart Attacks

If you or someone you know is having a heart attack, you may have only a few minutes to act. A heart attack can strike suddenly, and sometimes without warning. It’s important to know what to do in an emergency. There are many different causes of heart attacks… And there is a lot you should […]



Written by Carol – In-Pulse CPR Instructor | A number of years ago, our neighborhood experienced one of the most horrific of nightmare situations.  Little 5 year old, Shannon, was coming home from Kindergarten one very slippery January day in Pennsylvania.  The bus driver loved the children very much, lived in the neighborhood, and in […]


Studies: Bystanders Who Know CPR Save Lives!

Written by Tom Sirmons                                                      A wealth of recent research* reaches the same conclusion: those who suffer cardiac arrest are far more likely to survive long-term if a bystander immediately begins proper CPR. That’s especially true when emergency medical personnel are unable reach the scene within eight minutes. BUT – considering that brain damage […]