We all struggle from time to time with some sort of health concern. A collection of articles to enlighten us on ways to improve our health or just stay healthy. If you haven't recently taken a CPR class we urge you to do so. Click on "Class Calendar" above for your state's classes locations and times.

  • Types of Heart Conditions: Symptoms and Treatments July 11, 2024Donna Ryan
    It throbs, it beats, it flutters—all in the name of love and life. Yes, we are talking about your heart, that indefatigable muscle at the core of every rom-com and…cardiology symposium. As much as the heart can inspire poetry and music, it can also lead to an unwanted syncopated jazz-type solo. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Coronary artery ...
  • Child Respiratory Emergencies January 12, 2022Melissa Grant
    My son was two years old when I returned to work in 2005.  Each day, I strapped him into his car seat to take him to and from his childcare center.  One afternoon, as I drove my son home, I heard a strange sound from the backseat.  I looked in the rearview mirror and my ...
  • Respiratory emergencies in children November 17, 2021Siam B
    Respiratory emergencies in children are not uncommon and when they occur, they are somewhat more difficult to manage than in adults for several reasons.
  • 5 Behaviors That Increase Your Heart Disease Risk January 2, 2020Laura Crider
    According to the CDC, about 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States is the result of heart disease. This statistic is sobering, and it likely makes you wonder what you can do to reduce your risk. Although there are some heart disease factors that are out of your control, such as your age, family history, and genetics, ...
  • Healthy New Year’s Resolutions: Staying Active January 5, 2017Laura Crider
    At In-Pulse CPR, it’s no secret that we are passionate about health. We provide high quality CPR and first aid training sessions so that participants are ready to assist others when a health emergency occurs. However, we also realize that there is a lot more to healthy living than simply participating in a training session.   It’s ...
  • Anaphylactic Shock January 3, 2017Derek Walborn
    While CPR does not immediately come to mind when one thinks of allergy treatment, in times of anaphylactic shock CPR is a versatile and very applicable life saving tool. Allergies can range in severity from a bothersome, annoying runny nose and itchy eyes all the way to nausea and cardiac arrest. It is estimated that allergies ...
  • Don’t get more than you asked for during the Holidays November 30, 2016Derek Walborn
    The Holidays are, of course, a great time to reconnect with friends and family. Smiles and stories are shared as we all take a break from the grind of our busy lives. However, it’s not uncommon to also share germs during the flu season, and people tend to gain weight as the weather gets cooler ...
  • Quitting Smoking – Determination, Planning, and Changing Your Routine can Help July 29, 2016Derek Walborn
    Smoking. We know the facts. The science is in and many people have personal horror stories attributed to a friend or family member that has lost the battle with lung cancer after a lifetime of nicotine addiction. Whether its to save money by not having to buy heavily-taxed tobacco products or to preserve one’s health, ...
  • Improve Heart Health with Cholesterol-lowering Foods July 22, 2016Carol Sarao
    Improve Heart Health With Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Heart disease, the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, is often associated with high cholesterol levels. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe medication to help reduce your levels. However, you may also be able to lower your cholesterol ...
  • The Importance of Healthy Exercise for seniors March 17, 2015Robin Johnson
    Exercise and physical activity can be essential for helping to you to stay more energetic, independent and healthy as you grow older. Most adults over the age of sixty-five spend around ten hours or more either lying or sitting down every day. This establishes them as the most sedentary group. However, they can pay a ...
  • Staying Safe during Cardiovascular Exercise March 5, 2015Robin Johnson
    Engaging in physical activity does not have to be a strenuous task in order for you to experience the health benefits that you’re looking for. Cardiovascular exercise helps individuals to maintain muscles, healthy bones, and joints, as well as aiding in the control of a recommended weight and reducing body fat. Before you can get ...
  • How to Start Exercising if you’re Overweight February 26, 2015Robin Johnson
    Most of us know how important healthy living is, however that doesn’t mean that it’s always going to be easy. For some people, the prospect of getting fit, engaging in regular exercise and eating right will come naturally. However, for those who are already overweight, or large enough that doing the exercises thinner people do ...
  • Healthy Exercising Advice for New Mothers February 20, 2015Robin Johnson
    In all honesty, as a new mother, you may find that exercising and getting back into shape fitness-wise is not the first thing on your mind. However, this doesn’t mean that figuring out how to become more physically active isn’t worthwhile. In fact, learning how to exercise regularly after you have given birth could be ...
  • Fitness Tips for Someone Who is Just Starting February 11, 2015Robin Johnson
      Plenty of people decide at one point or another that it is time for them to start taking their health and fitness more seriously. When this happens, they may choose to improve their dietary choices, or engage in more regular physical activity, however, preferably, they will consider engaging in both. Whether you have been working ...
  • Cardio Exercises that you can do At Home February 3, 2015Robin Johnson
    Finding effective exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home can be an attractive option to many people, as they offer simplicity and convenience, as well as a way for people to save time and money. The real issue is looking for ways to workout at home when you may not ...
  • Benefits of Good Cardiorespiratory Fitness January 28, 2015Robin Johnson
     Cardiorespiratory fitness, when combined with muscle endurance, strength, body composition and flexibility make up the five most crucial components of physical health and fitness. Often referred to as aerobic, endurance or cardio exercise, cardiorespiratory activities, this form of exercise relies upon the ability of your body to provide yourself with enough oxygen to engage in ...
  • Healthy eating and exercise benefits January 22, 2015Robin Johnson
    Keeping yourself physically active through regular exercise routines, and ensuring the proper nourishment of your body with a healthy diet can lead to a host of wonderful benefits, including happiness, increased energy, improved health, and even extra years of life. Diet and exercise are essential when determining a person’s overall health, and making the careful ...
  • Children and Energy Drinks Do not Mix according to Poison Control Data December 5, 2014Robin Johnson
    Over 40% of all reports regarding energy drinks and U.S. poison control centers involve instances of children beneath the age of six suffering from severe neurological and cardiac symptoms, according to a study presented by the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in 2014. The somewhat excessive representation of youths is worrying, concerning the number ...
  • Ten GREAT Reasons to Drink Water September 12, 2012Susan Patterson
    Fresh, clean water, the great wellspring of life, is so simple it is often overlooked. The human body is comprised of anywhere between 55% – 78% water. The brain alone consists of 90% water, the blood 83%, muscle 75% and bone 22%.   Water is essential for life, even more so than food. Most human beings can go weeks, even months without food but only ...
  • Breaking Falls Safely – Home Playground Equipment April 20, 2012Susan Patterson
    Although we often hear of the children injured on public playgrounds, over 50,000 youngsters suffer from accidents annually on home playground equipment. Time and planning are essential when considering installation of such equipment. Although it is beneficial to provide your children with a physical outlet, securing their safety should always be the first matter of business. Since the majority of injuries ...
  • Smoking is an addiction that has gripped the country — But there is help July 18, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    The dangers of cardiovascular disease have only become well-known within the last five years. As the leading cause death in women, it is a formidable disease that fells CEOs and stay-at-home moms alike.
  • Ways on winning the Cholesterol war. Something you may not have heard before. July 13, 2011Nupur Agarwal
    The word cholesterol generally sets alarms bells ringing in ones mind. One thinks of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke damaging the delicate human system. But then hey! If it’s all that bad, what is the need of this soft, waxy, greasy substance doing rounds in our body?
  • Fitness in a bottle — If only it could be that easy! July 13, 2011Nupur Agarwal
    Abusing your body can cost you a lot, not only in terms of doctor’s bills ,but also the age long negative effects it can have. Treasure your health and take good care of it before it’s too late!
  • KNOW YOUR RISKS, WOMEN ! July 8, 2011Mollie Bowman
    More than 430,000 women die yearly due to cardiovascular disease.
  • The Ever-Changing Science of Healthcare July 8, 2011Melanie Pinette
    Healthcare is a broad ever-changing science that will forever surprise us with new and improved life-saving procedures, devices, and medicines. We all wish to one day find the ‘Fountain of Youth’, but in reality, it’s the brilliant individuals in the health and science fields that are always hard at work to find the latest and ...
  • Lowering your Cholesterol June 17, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    High cholesterol can be a scary precursor to heart disease or it can be a wake-up call that you need to make some changes in your life to increase your life span. Make some small modifications and you should get that number back under control.
  • The Top 4 Heart Healthy Foods June 6, 2011Pamela Arsena
    There are many foods that benefit the heart but there are 4 heart healthy foods which act as super foods.
  • Aspirin Dosages May 25, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    In addition, taking an aspirin during a heart attack has proven to save the life of the sufferer.
  • Sugar Intake Linked to Obesity April 7, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    In an effort to assist the American Heart Association in limiting the population’s intake of sugar and decreasing the obesity risk, many schools

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