At In-Pulse CPR we offer private CPR classes in Eau Claire, Hudson, La Crosse, Wausau and more. Click on "Class Calendar" above for your state's classes locations and times.

  • Can you get sick by performing CPR? July 29, 2010Nupur Agarwal
    Real CPR is very different from classroom CPR. You come in contact with a lot of bodily fluids when actually performing CPR in a real life situation. To assuage the public’s fear, CPR training now incorporates personal protective gear
  • Don’t Learn CPR Online: On-Site CPR Training is a Better Alternative May 30, 2024Donna Ryan
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an essential, life-saving procedure. When executed correctly, it can mean the difference between life and death for anyone experiencing a cardiac arrest. In recent years, online CPR programs have gained popularity due to their convenience and accessibility. However, when assessing the true value and effectiveness of the training, you need to take ...
  • Why is it important to learn CPR? April 30, 2024Elayne Bowman
    Heart attacks are a common health concern that has affected millions of individuals worldwide. Unfortunately, millions more are still at risk of experiencing a heart attack, which can be a life-threatening event. In such cases, knowing how to perform CPR can make all the difference in saving a person’s life. That’s why it’s crucial to ...
  • Why it is important to notice the signs of a stroke early April 28, 2024Elayne Bowman
    Stroke is a medical emergency that affects millions of people worldwide, and it’s vital to detect it early to minimize its long-term effects. This condition occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, either due to a blood clot or a bleed in the brain. When this happens, brain cells begin to die within ...
  • SCA Miracles: 3-Year-Old Girl Saved with CPR After Near Drowning April 25, 2024Donna Ryan
    One little girl survived a near downing, thanks to her mother’s knowledge of CPR. After a neighborhood pool party, Alise Nipper came perilously close to losing her life when she slipped and toppled into a neighbor’s backyard pool. After Alise was found at the bottom of the water, unconscious and without a pulse, all hope seemed ...
  • The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Learning CPR April 25, 2024Donna Ryan
    Studies show that people who learn CPR tend to feel less stress and anxiety in emergencies and daily life. They also report greater feelings of personal accomplishment and self-esteem. Learning a skill like CPR, challenges you physically and mentally. It pushes you outside your comfort zone in a controlled way. And when you master it, your ...
  • Fredricks baseball experience April 25, 2024Elayne Bowman
    It was a normal day for Fredrick. He was playing baseball for his school and It was his turn to hit the ball. The ball came flying at him and hit his chest in between heartbeats. Fredrick went into cardiac arrest and fell unconscious. Luckily, his coach, David took a CPR class and knew exactly ...
  • What To Look For in a Quality CPR Class April 23, 2024Shania Belden
    Who wants to sit in a stuffy room for hours listening to someone drone on about chest compressions and rescue breaths? It’s crucial that CPR training provides the right information and is delivered in a way that sticks so your team is prepared if the situation arises. When it comes down to it, people don’t ...
  • The Many Certifications Inpulse CPR Offers March 25, 2024Shania Belden
    In-Pulse CPR is the premier destination for comprehensive CPR and medical training certifications in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota. With a wide array of courses designed to equip individuals with life-saving skills. Whether you are seeking CPR classes, first aid training, AED training, or CPR certification classes, In-Pulse CPR has you covered with expert instruction and ...
  • CPR and AED: Understanding the Role of Defibrillators in Resuscitation January 24, 2024Shania Belden
    When it comes to saving lives in emergency situations, having a solid understanding of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is crucial. However, in some cases, performing CPR alone might not be sufficient to revive a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. This is where Automated External Defibrillator (AED) comes into play. In this blog post from In-Pulse CPR, ...
  • Elevate Your Career With In-Person CPR Training: A Life-Saving Investment in Professional Growth January 17, 2024Shania Belden
    In today’s professional world’s dynamic landscape, possessing skills and life-saving expertise can be a career game-changer. Explore how In-Pulse CPR‘s in-person training goes beyond just CPR skills, offering a transformative journey that elevates your career prospects and positions you as an invaluable asset in any workplace. Lifesaving Skills That Redefine Your Professional Value In-Pulse CPR’s in-person training ...
  • Business People Give First-Hand Accounts of Life-Saving Experiences November 27, 2023Donna Ryan
    There is nothing more satisfying than learning first-aid and CPR life saving procedures, as doing so can save another person’s life and give you an extreme sense of accomplishment. Business people today are seeing the wisdom of arranging work-site first-aid training or enrolling in an on-site CPR/first-aid training class in their community. To truly appreciate this ...
  • Sights and sounds of CPR November 16, 2023Elayne Bowman
    When someone is in cardiac arrest, there are many things you will see and hear; none of which are pleasant. Visuals The visuals of a cardiac arrest patient are not pretty. They can appear pale and clammy. The patient may also have vomited as well as urinated themselves. This can happen from the heart needing to ease ...
  • The Importance of Knowing CPR in the Workplace November 10, 2023Shania Belden
    In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to act swiftly in a time of crisis is crucial, especially in scenarios that involve medical emergencies. While CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training and certification classes are highly recommended, certain businesses, like In-Pulse CPR, Inc., understand that requiring every employee to be CPR-certified is not always feasible for all positions. ...
  • Worse and Best Work Day Ever October 27, 2023Elayne Bowman
    It was a regular day at the restaurant. Everyone was going about their business when suddenly, one of the waitresses, Clare, fell unconscious. Luckily, one of the customers knew what to do and immediately started CPR. The customer performed several minutes of CPR with no luck. The supervisor saw what was going on and wanted ...
  • Four MORE Jobs that Require CPR Training October 4, 2023Shania Belden
    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training is a valuable skill that can save lives in emergencies. While it is commonly associated with professions in the healthcare industry, including first responders, doctors, and firefighters, there are several other positions where having this first aid training is incredibly useful. In-Pulse CPR in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota wants you to be ...
  • Near Death Experience September 25, 2023Donna Ryan
    What Happens to the Brain During Cardiac Arrest? Cardiac arrest means the heart stops beating. Oxygenated blood stops circulating to the vital organs and the brain. That’s why knowing CPR is necessary. You can save a life by knowing this important and valuable life-saving skill. Within seconds of cardiac arrest, the heart’s electrical system goes haywire, preventing ...
  • Types of CPR: Understanding How the Process Works September 14, 2023Troy Bowman
    When someone collapses from sudden cardiac arrest, their odds of survival are slim. That’s why knowing how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is important. CPR can keep them alive until emergency responders  arrive to continue treatment. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to properly perform CPR because it isn’t something we ever expect to use. But ...
  • The 2027 AED Legislation in California: Risky and Dangerous September 14, 2023Donna Ryan
    Dangerous Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the United States, with nearly 356,000 out-of-hospital cases occurring each year. When it comes to saving lives, every second counts. That’s where CPR and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) come into play. To address the issue, California has passed a  law that will take effect in ...
  • What CPR Certification Do Nurses Need? September 14, 2023Troy Bowman
    Nurses play a vital role in health care, so having a solid understanding of life saving techniques, like Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), is absolutely critical. In emergency situations, CPR can be the determining factor between life and death making it essential for nurses to obtain the certification. However, with various CPR training options available, it can be ...
  • Four Jobs That Require CPR Training September 6, 2023Shania Belden
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training empowers individuals with the essential lifesaving skills required to respond to emergencies involving cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. While it is commonly associated with healthcare professions, there are various other jobs that require CPR training. In this blog, we will explore four diverse occupations where CPR training is essential and delve ...
  • Online vs. In-Person CPR Training  September 6, 2023Shania Belden
    When it comes to CPR training, there are two primary options available today: online courses and in-person training. While online courses have their merits and convenience, the unmatched benefits of in-person CPR training from In-Pulse CPR cannot be overlooked. Sign up for your class today, and as you read, we will explore the distinct advantages ...
  • The Advantages of In-Person CPR Training  September 6, 2023Shania Belden
    In a world dominated by technology, in-person CPR training stands as a vital and distinctive pathway to acquiring life-saving skills. While virtual CPR training holds value, face-to-face instruction from In-Pulse CPR offers unique advantages that cannot be replicated online. This blog explores the benefits of in-person training, emphasizing the importance of immediate feedback, hands-on practice, ...
  • What will I learn from my CPR class? August 21, 2023Elayne Bowman
    There are many things that you can learn from a C.P.R. class. You will learn how to perform high-quality C.P.R. and how to know if someone is having a heart attack or stroke. There is a bonus; you will also learn how to save someone from choking and what to do if the choking victim ...
  • Heat Stroke – What are the signs July 21, 2023Donna Ryan
    Preventing Heat Stroke: Steps You Need to Take Summer is commonly associated with spending sun-filled days enjoying activities or working in the open air. However, it’s important to be prepared as this season can quickly turn into a health situation or a hazard. In places, like Florida and other hot regions, heat advisories and excessive heat ...
  • Why You Should Learn First-Aid Along with CPR July 12, 2023Donna Ryan
    It’s not hard to find a reason to learn CPR or first-aid. After all, both skills can save lives. What you might not know is that there are plenty of reasons to learn both skills together. Doing so will prepare you for any emergency situation and increase your self-confidence. What is first-aid? First aid is the assistance given ...
  • CPR Instruction: Giving Constructive Feedback July 5, 2023Donna Ryan
    CPR instruction involves giving constructive feedback so students feel confident about their newly learned skills. Knowing this skill can go a long way toward making the  learning environment interesting and positive. How to Use Constructive Criticism Properly Use this type of constructive to improve communications with students. Therefore, to make this happen you need to: Tell the student ...
  • Famous People Who Have Saved Lives with CPR and First Aid July 5, 2023Donna Ryan
    When someone suffers from heart failure, trauma, or other ailments, knowing CPR and First Aid are basic to saving their life. More people are saved by the selfless deeds of others than the hundreds of thousands who pass away yearly from cardiac arrest.. Even famous people have been known to perform CPR and administer first aid ...
  • Four Crucial Things To Know About CPR June 19, 2023Shania Belden
    Are you curious about the basics of CPR and the need for CPR certification classes? As a leader in CPR training, In-Pulse CPR wants to help you understand the importance of CPR and the ways you can become certified. Read on to learn more and register for one of our courses today to begin your ...
  • Why Everyone Should Know CPR May 25, 2023Shania Belden
    Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. It’s essential to be prepared and equipped to respond correctly in case of an emergency. One valuable skill that everyone should learn is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). In this article, we will discuss the importance of CPR knowledge and how In-Pulse CPR, Inc. in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota ...
  • Recognizing and Responding to a Heart Attack: First Aid Techniques April 12, 2023Shania Belden
    A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, and the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. Prompt recognition and treatment of a heart attack are essential for improving the chances of survival and minimizing long-term damage to the heart.At In-Pulse CPR, our first aid training can help you in a state ...
  • The Role of CPR Training in Enhancing Workplace Safety March 29, 2023Shania Belden
    Having a safe and secure workplace is one of the most important responsibilities of any business owner or manager. It is essential to ensure that everyone in the workplace is aware of and trained in the proper safety protocols and procedures. One of the most important safety protocols is CPR training. This lifesaving skill can ...
  • Benefits of Group CPR Training March 29, 2023Shania Belden
    CPR is a life-saving skill that can be used in many different scenarios. However, it is important to stay up-to-date on your training, and one of the best ways to do that is through group CPR training. At In-Pulse CPR, we offer group CPR training in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota, so you can stay prepared ...
  • Four Reasons It’s Important to Know First Aid January 31, 2023Shania Belden
    As a provider of CPR and First Aid certification classes, In-Pulse CPR knows the value of having this knowledge. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, learning CPR and first aid can greatly impact a person’s life. Here are four reasons why taking CPR classes and first aid training is important. The Knowledge to Save a ...
  • Four Reasons You Need An AED January 4, 2023Shania Belden
    When it comes to being prepared for medical emergencies, getting CPR and AED certified is an important choice. When they have a certification, people can help to keep friends, family, and even strangers alive and breathing until medical personnel arrives, but sometimes just CPR isn’t enough. An automated external defibrillator, or AED, is a sophisticated ...
  • Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardio Life Support Differences December 28, 2022Donna Ryan
    People without a medical background may learn BLS. However, you need medical knowledge to understand ACLS. Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) are supportive therapies for cardiac arrest and severe injury patients. While ACLS and BLS are used to treat a person in cardiac arrest, they differ in how rescuers use ...
  • Uncontrolled Bleeding: How to Treat the Emergency December 7, 2022Donna Ryan
    Uncontrolled Bleeding – Knowing How to Stop It is a Valuable First Aid Skill Uncontrolled bleeding in the U.S. is preventable. However, it’s the cause of a large number of deaths each year. Statistics reveal that acute blood loss or shock accounts for over 40% of trauma-related fatalities. To  increase the odds of survival, knowing how ...
  • First Aid for a Smoke Victim: What You Need to Know November 11, 2022Donna Ryan
    The first thing you should know is that smoke inhalation can be fatal. If someone is exposed to a fire or an emergency situation, they’re at risk of having second- and third-degree burns. They may also suffer from inhalation injuries. Therefore, they need first aid immediately. The body’s natural response to inhaling smoke is to protect ...
  • CPR Instruction: Giving Constructive Feedback November 11, 2022Donna Ryan
    CPR instruction involves giving constructive feedback so students feel confident about their newly learned skills. Knowing this skill can go a long way toward making the learning environment interesting and positive. How to Use Constructive Criticism Properly Use constructive criticism to improve communications with students. Therefore, to make this happen you need to: Tell the student directly why something ...
  • Things to Think About When Doing CPR on an Infant November 1, 2022Shania Belden
    Performing CPR on an infant can be a stressful process, especially if it isn’t a procedure that you are familiar with or that you aren’t comfortable performing. There are several things that you can think about if you are faced with a CPR situation that might make the process easier to effectively execute. Learn some ...
  • Top Songs to Think of While Performing CPR November 1, 2022Shania Belden
    Performing CPR can be a hectic procedure. When you are under pressure and have someone’s life on the line, it can be easy to lose track of what you are doing. You might end up going too fast or too slow and reducing the effectiveness of your efforts. There are several songs that you can ...
  • First Aid Training for Pets: Cactus Needles and Learning the Basics of Wound Care October 14, 2022Donna Ryan
    First aid training always allows you to stay conscious about what to do in case a person or animal needs care. One of the essential components to the training includes wound care. Learning wound care – preventing infections and controlling bleeding is fundamental to saving a person’s or animal’s life.  Cholla Charlie’s Crisis Both people and pets ...
  • Updated Girl Scout Safety Guidelines Provide Checklist for Numerous Activities September 20, 2022Mary Hall
    For years Girl Scouting has been providing girls in kindergarten through high school an opportunity to meet new people, experience new things, and provide community service in a fun and, most importantly, safe environment. Troop leaders are required to complete several hours of training before taking charge of a troop. Once a troop is formed, ...
  • Importance of Being CPR Certified During Pool Season September 16, 2022Shania Belden
    Whether you’re a lifeguard or an adult caring for children who are swimming, knowing CPR is an important skill to have around swimming pools. CPR is used for both cardiac arrests and respiratory failures, and it’s a life-saving skill. Here at In-Pulse CPR, we are proud to offer a wide range of CPR training and ...
  • CPR Recertification: What You Need to Know July 28, 2022Donna Ryan
    CPR recertification is necessary if you want to keep your CPR card in force. Therefore, you’ll need to schedule a refresher CPR class. Consider CPR a lifelong skill, as you’ll need to stay current on lifesaving methods. CPR recertification involves safety training CPR Recertification and Refresher CPR Courses  The American Heart Association (AHA) has set the standard in ...
  • Preparing a First Aid Kit: What You Need to Know July 27, 2022Donna Ryan
    When disaster strikes, you have to react fast. Therefore, you need a plan of action. Preparing an emergency first aid kit is one way to stay ready. It’s also important to take a first aid course. By taking the course, you’ll know how to respond in an emergency. What to Keep in a First Aid Kit You ...
  • How To Avoid Injuries June 3, 2022Siam B
    Unintentional Injuries are a major public health problem. In the United States alone, preventable injuries account for over 3 million non-fatal injuries and 150,000 deaths per year. Globally the number of people dying from unintentional injuries is around 5 million deaths per year. The important thing to appreciate is that many of the injuries can ...
  • Staying Healthy June 1, 2022Siam B
    Many people do not realize until it is too late that staying healthy can be life-saving. But it is never too late to start a healthy approach to life. We live in a fast-paced world where everyone is very busy and there is little time devoted to the body. Plus with all the distractions it ...
  • How to Prepare for Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification May 25, 2022Donna Ryan
    Basic Life Support (BLS) training covers a series of guidelines that healthcare providers follow to give care during emergencies.  The goal of providing care, according to BLS guidelines, is to ensure that patients receive medical treatment with less risk. If you want to become, for example, an EMT or Paramedic, you need to prepare for your ...
  • What is Bloodborne Pathogens Training? May 25, 2022Donna Ryan
    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) supports bloodborne pathogens training. It is used to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens or viruses. The main pathogens include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).  Bloodborne pathogens training is not limited to healthcare workers. Therefore, anyone who works with or around patients can benefit ...
  • Bloodborne pathogens treatment May 22, 2022Siam B
    Universal precautions apply to which body fluids? Cerebrospinal fluid Blood Semen Vaginal secretions Synovial fluid Pleural and pericardial fluid Amniotic fluid In general, universal precautions do not apply to nasal secretions, feces, sweat, sputum, urine, vomitus, and tears unless they contain visible blood or have obvious signs of an infection. Who requires training for bloodborne pathogens? Any individual, irrespective of whether he or she is ...
  • How do bloodborne pathogens spread? May 13, 2022Siam B
    Blood-borne pathogens spread when an infected individual comes into contact with an uninfected individual. But what type of contact and how much contact is necessary for actual transmission to occur? The two main methods of transmission of blood-borne pathogens include sharing of hypodermic needles (eg illicit drug use) and sexual activity. In addition, one can also ...
  • CPR Instructor classes Minneapolis /St Paul Minnesota May 5, 2022Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR is an American Heart Training Center leader. We are the largest and most respected provider of community based classes in Minnesota. Learn to be an instructor from the best! Why take an American Heart Instructor Class with us? In-Pulse CPR has trained over 125 thousand students since 2009 . Our ...
  • CPR Instructor classes Tampa Florida May 5, 2022Laura Crider
    Looking for a new career as a CPR instructor? Classes starting in MN and FL. Articles on why.
  • Presentation of Common Bloodborne Pathogens Part 2 May 3, 2022Siam B
    Even though there are many blood-borne pathogens, the three that account for the majority of cases include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.  Hepatitis B The cause of Hepatitis B is the hepatitis B virus; the primary injury is inflammation of the liver- which can be acute or chronic. In the acute phase, the infection will last ...
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Part 1 May 1, 2022Siam B
    All individuals who work in a clinical setting, medical laboratory, healthcare institution, or research facility may come in contact with body fluids from another person. This places them at high risk for coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens. But what are bloodborne pathogens? Blood-borne pathogens are organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi) that can cause potentially serious and ...
  • What is CPR: an update April 26, 2022Siam B
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving procedure that can be used to save lives in emergencies like drowning or heart attack, where the individual’s heartbeat and/or breathing have suddenly stopped. CPR can be performed anywhere when an individual develops cardiac arrest including areas outside the hospital like an airplane, swimming pool, or even a shopping ...
  • Why do we need AED training? April 2, 2022Siam B
    Sudden death is not a rare event; each year close to 350,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest and without immediate treatment, a significant number die. Sudden death can occur at any time and in any location; the individual may suddenly stop breathing, lose consciousness, and collapse. EMS ARRIVAL When you come across a person who is having ...
  • What is an AED? April 2, 2022Siam B
      An AED, also known as an automated external defibrillator, is a life-saving medical device that can be used when performing CPR on a cardiac arrest victim. This small advanced electrical device can quickly analyze the victim’s heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock if needed to help restore the heart’s normal rhythm. The latest AED machines ...
  • Why do we need CPR training? March 20, 2022Siam B
    Introduction According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Each year heart disease claims the lives of more than 600,000 people. And the numbers are gradually increasing each year. According to data released by the American Heart Association, more than 50% of cardiac arrests occur away from a healthcare ...
  • CPR in Babies March 20, 2022Siam B
    Introduction There are some subtle differences in performing CPR in babies compared to adults and older children. Babies are not only smaller in size but are also fragile- CPR done inappropriately can cause damage to many internal organs in children less than 1 year of age. But it is important to know how to perform CPR ...
  • CPR In Children March 17, 2022Siam B
    The protocol for CPR in children is similar to that in adults. Safety First Always make sure that the child is away from any impending danger. CPR should always be done in a safe location The next step is to check the child’s level of consciousness. Do this by tapping the child on the shoulder and asking, “Are ...
  • Dad Saves Daughter’s Life with CPR after Seeing It Performed on TV Show March 1, 2022Donna Ryan
    Having watched CPR on the series, The Office, Uber revived his daughter using what he had remembered. He said Steve Carrell, who played MIchael Scott on…
  • How CPR Saved One Golfer’s Life March 1, 2022Donna Ryan
    Golfer wakes up in hospital. Last thing he remembers is a great long putt.
  • Child Respiratory Emergencies January 12, 2022Melissa Grant
    My son was two years old when I returned to work in 2005.  Each day, I strapped him into his car seat to take him to and from his childcare center.  One afternoon, as I drove my son home, I heard a strange sound from the backseat.  I looked in the rearview mirror and my ...
  • Does CPR really save lives? Yes, it does. December 6, 2021Anonymous
    There is one recent news story that can attest to that. The CDC estimates that administering CPR to a person suffering from cardiac arrest can double their chances for survival. Cardiac arrest can strike an individual at any time or place.
  • Respiratory emergencies in children November 17, 2021Siam B
    Respiratory emergencies in children are not uncommon and when they occur, they are somewhat more difficult to manage than in adults for several reasons.
  • Learning CPR Pays Off with Beach Save November 1, 2021Anonymous
    As part of my health science classes, I was asked to take CPR classes. At that time, I thought that this was a complete waste of my $100. Little did I know that this money would one day save someone’s life. After 8 years, I decided that this was the last time I would renew ...
  • Florida Husband Collapsed October 26, 2021Karen Wasilewski
    Jennifer and Rich Chap know just how important it is to learn these life saving skills. During the summer of 2012 in Orlando, FL, what started out to be a normal work day for Jennifer ended in her saving her husband’s life.
  • Camping and First Aid safety October 20, 2021Melissa Grant
    Camping is a popular recreational activity throughout the United States, with over 41 million people taking to the wilderness each year to camp in the outdoors.  They have good reasons to do so…
  • What’s the purpose of an AED? October 15, 2021Elayne Bowman
    What an AED does is take that chaotic heart and stops it for just that moment so maybe it’ll listen to you.
  • CPR on a Karate Kid October 13, 2021Melissa Grant
    On an afternoon in 2015, 10-year-old Samantha’s karate class was performing its usual drills, when, without warning, Samantha dropped to the mat.
  • New American Heart Logo usage guidelines July 15, 2021Troy Bowman
    New-AHA-logo-guildelinesDownload Please be sure any literature and websites conform to the new American Heart logo usage guidelines. You are not permitted to use any ‘Training Center’ logo’s. An example of proper usage is as follows for Training Sites aligned with In-Pulse CPR: ...
  • Classroom sales pitch February 15, 2021Troy Bowman
    Vouchers…Keychain Sales…Reviews WE NEED YOUR HELP. We are asking you to put on a sales hat for a 2-minute sales pitch at each class you teach for In-Pulse. That’s it, 2 minutes to promote the following – Vouchers…Keychain Sales…Reviews. Here is how you do it. Make sure you mention it while holding ...
  • 2020 GUIDELINES ARE HERE! February 5, 2021Mollie Bowman
    Access your required Instructor Updates* on 2020 science for each discipline you teach*Instructor Network login required Go to the ECC Guidelines Site to: Read the full 2020 AHA Guidelines Get the Guidelines Highlights in 17 languages View Guidelines Visual Resources and Podcasts Order the Guidelines Reprint, and more
  • What To Expect From Your CPR Classes November 3, 2020Donna Ryan
    Depending on the work you do and how you spend your free time, you might feel like everyone in the world has already taken a CPR class. It’s especially common for people who work in the medical, recreation, and public service industries. For many of those folks, they may very well be on their 10th ...
  • When And How To Undertake Your CPR Recertification September 13, 2020Troy Bowman
    First of all, if you are reading this post because you have already been certified in CPR once and are looking for recertification, let us thank you. Your decision to take the time to learn a lifesaving technique is a selfless and incredible thing to do, even if it is because of a work requirement.
  • 5 People Who Aren’t Required To Be CPR Certified, But Should Be Certified Anyway August 13, 2020Anonymous
    Not every profession requires that you become CPR certified. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of professions have no requirements for these certifications or incentivize their employees to obtain them. However, here at In-Pulse CPR, we work with people to provide AHA-backed CPR certifications, and we hear deeply moving, powerful, and personal stories ...
  • What Is A BLS Training And Who Needs It? August 13, 2020Anonymous
    Whether you are a current or aspiring medical professional or healthcare worker or someone who is simply looking to round out their personal skillset and knowledge with a CPR training course, knowing what course options are available to you and what the differences between them are is crucial.
  • 5 Reasons To Get CPR Certified July 10, 2020Anonymous
    While we recognize that it would be far easier to enumerate the short list of reasons why you shouldn’t get CPR certification, we thought that it would be sending the wrong message. So instead, we’re covering what we think are 5 of the best — and there are many to choose from — reasons to ...
  • A Brief History Of CPR March 25, 2020Anonymous
    CPR courses are organized and taught to help provide medical professionals, first responders, caregivers, and everyday people the training and tools to help resuscitate an unresponsive person. But how did the medical science behind resuscitating people develop over time to become a well-researched and highly effective method of saving lives that just about anybody can ...
  • COVID-19: Is CPR training an essential service? March 19, 2020Troy Bowman
    The new virus concerns make locking down community activity a priority to help contain it.  But what about those essential services that need to continue to operate in midst of those concerns?  When we think about ‘essential’ what comes to mind…     Fire fighters, police departments, grocery stores, nurses / doctors.  Did you know that there ...
  • Philadelphians this is why It Is Important to Learn CPR March 10, 2020Donna Ryan
    One video recently went viral that showed Poncho, a police dog, providing CPR. The devoted canine from Madrid Spain performs the procedure on his handler who has pretended to pass out. First, the frisky canine jumps on the handler’s chest, then listens carefully to his breath. Even Dogs Know the Benefits of CPR The valiant canine continues ...
  • Ten Important Factors To Consider Before Buying An AED January 20, 2020Derek Walborn
    A readily, easily accessible AED is an invaluable life saving device. While the technology and functionality of an AED makes it a complex piece of life saving gear under the hood, purchasing the proper equipment for your emergency use is not as tricky as one might think. As with any important purchase, knowledge is power. Knowing what to look ...
  • 5 Behaviors That Increase Your Heart Disease Risk January 2, 2020Laura Crider
    According to the CDC, about 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States is the result of heart disease. This statistic is sobering, and it likely makes you wonder what you can do to reduce your risk. Although there are some heart disease factors that are out of your control, such as your age, family history, and genetics, ...
  • Do You Know the Difference Between a Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest? November 15, 2019Laura Crider
    We all know that cardiac issues can be dangerous and even life-threatening. However, it can be difficult to understand all of the terminology surrounding cardiac episodes. To make matters more confusing, some terms, such as “heart attack” and “cardiac arrest,” are often used interchangeably, even though they actually refer to different issues. You don’t need to become a master of ...
  • Why Parents Should Learn Infant CPR October 9, 2019Donna Ryan
    We often hear the word CPR used in casual conversation in child care centers or in hospitals. CPR is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This lifesaving measure is performed when a child or adult has stopped breathing or the heart stops beating. This may happen after certain incidents, such as an injury, choking, suffocation, heart attack, or drowning. Rescuing an ...
  • Students Rally for CPR Requirements September 25, 2019Laura Crider
    We all know that children are the future of our country and our world. Too often, we hear about the negative things that young people are doing, but a group of students in NJ are leading the way when it comes to prioritizing CPR training.   Christian Ventura founded the High School Association of Medical Engineers and ...
  • CPR Classes MacDill AFB September 5, 2019Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR is now offering public CPR certification classes in South Tampa. This new location is only 3 miles from the Air Force Base of MacDill. Over the past several years we have seen an increase of students from the base at many of our other Tampa classes. By offering a site ...
  • Nursing News: Passive Leg Raising and Elevating the Head during CPR Prove to Be Beneficial August 15, 2019Donna Ryan
    Around 275,000 people, per year, experience OHCA (out-of-hospital cardiac arrest) incidents. This finding was reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine archives. This number pertains to people living in Europe. U.S. Statistics for OHCAs It has also been found that a large number of ...
  • New FL CPR Bus Driver Law – We can help train August 13, 2019Troy Bowman
    Case Study: Hillsborough County Transportation Hillsborough Country Transportation has 1500 drivers who are now required by this new law to be CPR/FA trained. They decided to certify 7 internal staff to become instructors through In-Pulse CPR. They are now teaching 2 classes every week with 37 students each class. At this pace, ...
  • Multiple CPR Classes in Delaware Valley Greater Philadelphia July 29, 2019Troy Bowman
    American Heart Association CPR certification training The AHA is a Red Cross alternative for a 2 year CPR certification class.  Did you know that Healthcare workers are required to retake the American Heart BLS certification class every two years.  Not in Healthcare?  We ...
  • AED Misconceptions July 17, 2019Derek Walborn
    AEDs are complicated, highly specialized medical devices. As a result, they can be very intimidating and even frightening for people to imagine having to use in an emergency situation. We have all seen the movies where, during a scene of high drama, the device is charged and used to violently revive someone from a near death situation. While AEDs are ...
  • Nurse Shortage Increases in Florida June 25, 2019Donna Ryan
    Nurse Shortage is Real Every year National Nurses week honors nurses in May, or from May 6th to May 12th (Florence Nightingale’s birthday). The founder of modern nursing valued a commitment to care and compassion – hallmarks that give nursing its ethical and honest standing. However, nurses, while greatly valued, still are in short supply in the Sunshine State. Moreover, the ...
  • Keep the Steps for Hands-on CPR in Mind – Be Prepared June 18, 2019Donna Ryan
    Statistics show that SCA or sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any age. However, the risk for SCA is greater for the following individuals: People who are diabetic People who have had a heart attack People suffering from hypertension People with high levels of cholesterol Obese individuals People who smoke People with heart disease An Invaluable Skill Moreover, SCA usually occurs at ...
  • CPR Saves a Life April 20, 2019Teresa Jenkins
    The city of Philadelphia is campaigning to encourage its residents the benefits of learning CPR training.  Statistically, the average person in Philadelphia is half as likely to assist a person suffering from cardiac arrest in comparison to other cities nationally.   Because of this campaign, CPR was recently used to save the life of one-year old Jayson ...
  • Bystander CPR: Important Facts You Should Know If You Are from Philadelphia March 22, 2019Donna Ryan
    Research shows that Philadelphians need to learn CPR. In fact, studies indicate Philadelphia falls behind other cities when it comes to administering this life-saving procedure.  That is why it is imperative that Philadelphians begin looking at the importance of CPR training. Why Everyone Needs to Learn CPR Most people are under the impression that CPR is a ...
  • Nursing 101 – Staying Focused February 21, 2019Donna Ryan
    Tips for Nurses: How to Stay Calm and Focused during an Emergency or When Giving CPR Whether you are a nurse who is just beginning your career or have several years, experience, you can become nervous if you need to administer CPR or manage an emergency. How you respond depends on the place where you work, ...
  • A Doctor uses CPR on his own Wife January 13, 2019Teresa Jenkins
    CPR Save Pennsylvania This is the story of how a Pennsylvania Orthopedic Surgeon saved the life of his wife by performing the life-saving technique of CPR on her when she was in cardiac arrest until emergency technicians arrived and could resume support en route to the hospital. After spending one Saturday afternoon watching a Phillies baseball game, ...
  • CPR certification at over 13 classrooms across Pennsylvania January 4, 2019Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR Inc, An American Heart Training Center (TC) Offering CPR training in Greater Lehigh Valley, Harrisburg, Allentown, Philadelphia, more… At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident ...
  • CPR certification at over 13 classrooms across Florida January 4, 2019Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR Inc, An American Heart Training Center (TC) Offering community classes in Tampa Bay, Ocala, Ft Myers, Orlando, more… At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in ...
  • CPR certification at over 13 classrooms across Minnesota January 4, 2019Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR Inc, An American Heart Training Center (TC) Offering community certification classes in Twin Cities, St Cloud, Rochester, and more… At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in ...
  • Why do we Need AED Training? November 17, 2018Teresa Jenkins
    Before we go into why we need AED training; we need to explore what an AED device is.  AED is the abbreviation for Automated External Defibrillator.  The AED is an important step in helping save a life.  An AED is a machine that can be transported and utilized for the automatic diagnosis of life-endangering cardiac ...
  • Philadelphia CPR Training on the Go October 19, 2018Laura Crider
    Each year, nearly 4 million Pennsylvanians use SEPTA, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transport Authority to get to their jobs, run errands, and explore all that this wonderful region has to offer. SEPTA uses rapid transit, buses, light rail, and other modes of transportation to get riders from Point A to Point B quickly and safely. You already ...
  • What Beat is your CPR Playing to? August 22, 2018Donna Ryan
    Playlists Support the Use of CPR When hands-only CPR or traditional CPR is performed, 100 chest compressions are required per minute. This number coincides with many musical songs today, and therefore certain songs can support CPR efforts. Ironically, “Stayin’ Alive,” the disco song made popular by the Bee Gees matches this requirement. The song’s tune supports a ...
  • Young Rochester Boy Found Unresponsive at Bottom of Pool, Two peers credited in Saving. August 20, 2018Teresa Jenkins
    This life-saving event happened in Rochester, Minnesota, when a quick responding 13-year old boy saved the life of another child who was drowning in the swimming pool they were both swimming in. The lifesaving boy, Cody Runyan, stated he was swimming in the pool when he suddenly noticed there was a child just lying at the ...
  • Private Group CPR Classes Now Offered in Wilmington Delaware by In-Pulse CPR July 24, 2018Troy Bowman
    Wilmington, Claymont, Arden Ardencroft, Naamans Manor, Brandywine, Woodbrook Fairfax, Holly Oak, Bellefonte, Talleyville, Greenville Medical Clinics | Dental Offices | Church Groups | Warehouse Staff | Corporate | Safety Committee | Daycare Centers | More Private Group CPR Classes for Wilmington and Claymont Delaware area | First Aid Training Classes  |  AED Training Classes   At In-Pulse CPR we ...
  • “The Heart suddenly stopped!” What parents need to know. July 19, 2018Christoph Camphausen
    Everybody knows, when the heart stops beating, life ends. Sure? What if you were a bystander and knew how to give CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation)? Or, what if your own child suddenly went into sudden cardiac arrest? Daunting to think about it? You might think this is a rare event. Every year, approximately eight children out of ...
  • What is CPR? Philadelphia residents need to know. July 16, 2018Teresa Jenkins
    CPR is a first aid method of response called “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation”.  This is a technique that is used in an attempt to rescue a person who has gone into cardiac arrest. CPR training is recommended by the American Heart Association and is something that everyone should learn how to do, even if you are not a ...
  • Members Terms and Conditions Updated 2018 May 2, 2018Christina Bassan
    Updates on Alignment Fee Covering 2 years, Monitoring, Reminder of Renewal Requirements, Guidelines for Roster packet submissions,and Website Requirement.    Terms and Conditions for Members   Follow link to download and view PDF file.  
  • Pensacola Boat Sinks, Child Pulled from water Lifeless February 24, 2018Teresa Jenkins
    This CPR save takes place in Pensacola, Florida.  This is the life saving story of how a Good Samaritan saved an Alabama woman’s infant child with the lifesaving techniques of CPR after the families boat sunk in the Pensacola Bay.   The Lassiter family was out for an afternoon of leisure and fun that turned into an ...
  • Updated Process for submitting rosters January 23, 2018Christina Bassan
    Coinciding with the AHA’s move to electronic distribution of certification cards, we at In-Pulse CPR have moved to only electronic submission of roster paperwork.  The following guidelines are to be followed, effective immediately. (if you do not have or cannot get a scanner, you can photograph your pages, one photo per doc and close up enough to ...
  • CPR 101 – Common questions you might ask January 2, 2018Derek Walborn
    Common CPR questions How do I know if the CPR is actually working? While it is difficult to know if applying chest compressions are having an effect on a person’s pulse, you can take note of whether or not the victim’s chest is rising when you breathe into their mouth. Can I accidentally kill someone while giving them ...
  • AED anecdote December 2, 2017Derek Walborn
    A young woman still in high school would seem to be the least likely of candidates to suffer from cardiac arrest and require the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) in order to save her life. However, for 17 year old Claire Crawford of Loganville, GA, that was exactly what happened. Claire had been participating ...
  • Website linking November 27, 2017Troy Bowman
    Members are NOW REQUIRED to provide appropriate training center information on their company owned or organizations website: The following text with embedded web link is now a requirement for all active members who belong to our training center and who own or manage a website that is used for their organizational benefit.  This information should be ...
  • Becoming a CNA offers Versatility November 2, 2017Laura Crider
    If you are feeling stuck in your current career, or if you are trying to plan for a  more secure future for yourself and your family, now is a great time to consider a career in healthcare. Healthcare is one of those fields that is never going to go away, and CNAs, or Certified Nursing ...
  • Becoming a CNA offer Flexibility November 2, 2017Laura Crider
    Your job is an important part of your life, but it is not the only important part of your life. The best careers help make the other areas of your life, such as your finances and family relationships, even better. At In-Pulse CPR, we talk with a lot of people who are considering careers as ...
  • Becoming a CNA offers Emotional Satisfaction November 2, 2017Laura Crider
    We’ve discussed CNA career benefits such as flexibility, job security, and versatility, but some of the most important benefits of this type of career cannot be quantitatively measured. You can’t put a number or a price tag on the emotionally rewarding benefits of working as a CNA, but this is one of the top reasons ...
  • Becoming a CNA offers Career-Building Experiences November 2, 2017Laura Crider
    If you have wondered if a career in the medical field is a good fit for you, becoming a CNA is an excellent place to start. Although this is an entry-level position, it provides compensation that is well above minimum wage. More importantly, it gives you a chance to explore the medical field hands-on while ...
  • Becoming a CNA Offers Job Security November 2, 2017Laura Crider
    No one wants to get sick or suffer and injury, but these things are an inevitable part of life. That’s one of the many reasons why CNAs and other nursing professionals enjoy a high level of job security. Whether the economy is high or low, and whether the stock market is going up or down, ...
  • Becoming a CNA Offers Rewarding Employee Benefits October 26, 2017Derek Walborn
    Employee benefits sometimes go under the radar when people are looking for a career. It’s easy to look at the salary offered and make a decision based solely on that number. However, savvy job hunters are very familiar with the additional value a job can carry with a robust list of benefits attached to it. ...
  • Becoming a CNA Offers a great Starting Salary October 26, 2017Derek Walborn
    As an entry level position in the medical field, certified nursing assistants make, on average, between $24,000 and $32,000 a year, or around $12 to $15 an hour depending on location. Considering the fact that being a CNA requires a certification process and not years of costly tuition, it can be an excellent career choice ...
  • CPR Class Online vs Classroom October 17, 2017Derek Walborn
    Online learning has made tremendous advancements in the last decade. What used to be a series of digitized articles and essays has advanced to 360 degree video lectures and even virtual rarity demonstrations. It’s now easier than ever to attain education in areas of personal and professional interest, and excuses for not doing so are ...
  • Becoming a CNA Offers an Enriching Work Experience October 17, 2017Derek Walborn
    Every profession has its perks. Some come with free coffee. Others, a company car or the ability to travel on the job. Certified nurse’s assistants (CNAs) have a unique set of perks to their line of work. Aside from the obvious benefits of helping people become healthy and working in the service of others, CNAs ...
  • Becoming a CNA gives You the Ability to Take Care of Loved Ones Better October 17, 2017Derek Walborn
    We all want to help our friends and family. From assisting with chores to figuring out taxes and running errands, there are many ways in which people give assistance to those they care about. Those who work in medicine are uniquely equipped to provide care to their loved ones when they may need it, even ...
  • Becoming a CNA offers Personal and Professional Pride October 17, 2017Derek Walborn
    For many, employment can be an existential burden. A necessary usage of our precious time in order to maintain our lives and amass the financial and social resources needed to enjoy ourselves while not on the job. Work can, at times, feel a meaningless grind without real merit or substance. However, this is not a ...
  • AHA Heart Saver card price increase October 4, 2017Troy Bowman
    Yesterday AHA sent us a notice of important changes that went into effect immediately. All Heartsaver card prices (including first aid and pediatric) were increased and the cost of books was decreased.  As we looked into it we found that the price per card was increased significantly.  The BLS card did not increase in price. We have ...
  • Hot! Hot! Hot! Summer Time Sun Safety June 10, 2017Derek Walborn
    As we approach the dog days of summer, it is important to remind one’s self of the importance of sun and heat safety. While the human body requires sunlight in order to produce vitamin D, spending too much time exposed to intense UV rays, no matter what the season, is asking for discomfort at the ...
  • Frank, a Doctor, didn’t even know February 10, 2017Elizabeth Di Vergigelis
    They were on their way to Southern Illinois to visit Frank’s son at college before classes resumed for the next semester. They had stopped for the night in the small Arkansas town of Newport and had settled in for the night before resuming their trip North the next morning. It was a cold, wintry February ...
  • Heart Health is all about the Choices We Make February 3, 2017Derek Walborn
    Cardiovascular disease is epidemic in our modern society. Sedentary lifestyles and jobs that demand forty hours sitting at a desk in front of a computer have taken a toll on our national health statistics. However, you don’t have to be just another number on a graph and you can do it without the workouts of ...
  • How Business Owners Can Benefit From CPR Classes January 19, 2017Alyssa Reinbolt
    All throughout the gulf coast of Florida, there are several active, healthy communities such as New Port Richey, Town ‘n’ County and Tarpon Springs. These active communities are thriving with local businesses and organizations both large and small provider their employees with some form of health and safety training. Unfortunately, CPR classes and basic first ...
  • Twin Cities Community is Officially Heart Safe January 12, 2017Laura Crider
    The state of Minnesota is a beautiful place to live, work and raise your family. Minnesotans are hard workers who care about their state and each other. The small city of Stillwater, Minnesota is one of these close, family-centered communities. Stillwater, which is part of the greater Twin Cities metro area, has approximately 20,000 residents, ...
  • Healthy New Year’s Resolutions: Staying Active January 5, 2017Laura Crider
    At In-Pulse CPR, it’s no secret that we are passionate about health. We provide high quality CPR and first aid training sessions so that participants are ready to assist others when a health emergency occurs. However, we also realize that there is a lot more to healthy living than simply participating in a training session.   It’s ...
  • Anaphylactic Shock January 3, 2017Derek Walborn
    While CPR does not immediately come to mind when one thinks of allergy treatment, in times of anaphylactic shock CPR is a versatile and very applicable life saving tool. Allergies can range in severity from a bothersome, annoying runny nose and itchy eyes all the way to nausea and cardiac arrest. It is estimated that allergies ...
  • Exploring The Benefits of Taking CPR Classes December 27, 2016Alyssa Reinbolt
    The unfortunate truth is that sudden cardiac arrest is considered to be one of the leading causes of death in America. The reason why so many people who have cardia arrest outside of a hospital die is because there are no bystanders who are capable of performing CPR to increase the chances of survival. The truth ...
  • A Tribute to Nurses December 20, 2016Laura Crider
    By Laura Crider At In-Pulse CPR, we don’t believe that you have to scale tall buildings or defeat scary villains to be a hero. Instead, we know that some of the greatest heroes live and work right here among us. Unfortunately, many of those heroes never get the honor that they are due. We want to ...
  • AHA Key point 2015 – Hands Only CPR December 13, 2016Peter J J Klotunowitch
      By Peter J Klotunowitch The American Heart Association (AHA) gave a “Call to Action” for bystander witnessed an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of probable cardiac origin. The national news media picked this up and announced to the public that the new AHA recommendation is to do compression only Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. From the number of posted questions ...
  • Miami Dade Schools adding CPR as part of their curriculum December 6, 2016Derek Walborn
    In a forward-thinking and health-minded decision, the school board of Miami-Dade county has become the first in the state to elect to educate students in Hands-Only CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) as part of their Physical Fitness curriculum. While Florida is not one of the country’s 34 states that require that students be taught CPR in schools, ...
  • Don’t get more than you asked for during the Holidays November 30, 2016Derek Walborn
    The Holidays are, of course, a great time to reconnect with friends and family. Smiles and stories are shared as we all take a break from the grind of our busy lives. However, it’s not uncommon to also share germs during the flu season, and people tend to gain weight as the weather gets cooler ...
  • 2015 American Heart Association CPR Guideline Updates November 23, 2016Laura Crider
    At In-Pulse CPR, we want to give our students every advantage when it comes to potentially life-saving CPR training. This includes staying informed about the latest advancements and newest technologies. In October 2015, the American Heart Association released its latest guideline updates. Although all of the guideline changes are included the organization’s official publication, Circulation: Journal ...
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victim Gets Assist from Technology November 16, 2016Carol Sarao
    For Kory Trebbin, attending church on a Sunday morning in May, there was little warning that this day would differ from other Sundays. But, before it was over, the 53-year old Santa Clara resident would experience sudden cardiac arrest, lose his heartbeat for a full 18 minutes, and have his life saved by an off-duty ...
  • Joe Farrell’s Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survival Story: CPR Saved His Life And Someone Else’s November 9, 2016Alyssa Reinbolt
    In the moment when sudden cardiac arrests strikes, a split second decision to get down on your hands and knees to perform CPR may be just the ticket to save the victim’s life. In fact, studies and medical research reveals that individuals who receive CPR within two minutes of a cardiac arrest are less likely ...
  • Rescue Breathing? CPR? I’m confused!!! November 2, 2016Carol Theis
    I have heard people talk about giving/not giving breaths with CPR and also about “rescue breathing”. I am confused…What is the difference? How do I know what to do?  These are questions often asked at a CPR class, and I would like to clarify it for you.  Maybe even give a SIMPLE answer to take ...
  • The Life-Saving Importance of AEDs in the Workplace October 26, 2016Laura Crider
    If you work a standard 40+ hour week, you likely spend more of your waking hours at your workplace than you do at home. Your job gives you a way to provide for your family, and you develop close relationships with your co-workers and customers over time. At In-Pulse CPR, we are committed to empowering ...
  • Avoiding Injury: Aging Adults October 19, 2016Steve Rakowski
    For many of us, getting older means a reduction in physical activity. The less activity we get, the more our muscles atrophy (weaken, deteriorate) and the more deconditioned our cardiovascular system becomes. Not getting any exercise can make it very easy to get injured doing routine tasks like bending over to tie your shoes. Recovering ...
  • Why not a CPR class for your employees? October 12, 2016Alyssa Reinbolt
    Have you ever thought about CPR training for you and your employees? While some fields of work require all employees to be certified, any business can benefit from having CPR-certified staff on hand. Studies have shown that time is of the essence when someone has a heart attack. When you call 911, the national average ...
  • Minnesota Community Strives for Heart Safety October 5, 2016Laura Crider
    By Laura Crider Sadly, almost everyone knows someone who has experienced a cardiac arrest. The next victim could be your co-worker, your neighbor, or a random stranger you pass on the street. In the state of Minnesota, cardiovascular events are currently the second leading cause of death, making them responsible for nearly 20 percent of in-state ...
  • New AHA CPR Recommendations September 27, 2016Peter J J Klotunowitch
    By Peter J Klotunowitch A leading cause of death in the United States, cardiac arrest is caused when the heart suddenly stops, usually due to an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat and disrupts blood flow through the body. Survival depends on immediate CPR and other actions starting with bystanders. American Heart Association ...
  • Annoying Mosquitoes and the Best Ways to Block them from Biting You September 22, 2016Derek Walborn
    Mosquitoes are an annoying, uncomfortable reality when it comes to spending time outdoors. A blood-feeding member of the fly family, their whining buzz and itching bites can make even a family picnic a challenging ordeal. In some cases, however, mosquitoes can be more than just an annoyance. Mosquitoes have been known throughout history to be ...
  • In-Pulse CPR – with 13 CPR and First Aid class locations in Tampa area September 21, 2016Troy Bowman
    We are the largest provider of CPR and First Aid classes in Tampa with many class locations near you. View our CPR class calendar now!   Progress is everything: There’s a historical milestone in the fact that our Apollo 11 landing on the moon took place a mere 66 years after the Wright Brothers’ first flight.   Buzz Aldrin First Aid ...
  • 5 Reasons You Should Learn CPR September 15, 2016Laura Crider
    By Laura Crider Some people think that performing CPR is a job for for paramedics or medical professionals. Others believe CPR is only for those with years of training and extensive experience in medicine. At In-Pulse CPR, we believe that CPR training is for everyone. We don’t take this stance because we want to increase our ...
  • Laura: This is my story September 8, 2016Peter J J Klotunowitch
    Over 300,000 people have their hearts stop suddenly (suffer Sudden Cardiac Arrest or SCA) yearly in the United States alone. Most survivors return to their home and back to their usual activities. Of these survivors, many were previously healthy. Since the AHA Guidelines 2000 we have been taught that for every minute that passes between collapse and defibrillation, survival ...
  • Joggers life was about to change September 1, 2016Erin Bodie
    When Todd Tewksbury set out for his routine daily jog back in August of 2014, everything about it felt normal from lacing up his cross-trainers to the feel of his old t-shirt, nothing stood out as odd to him as he said goodbye to his mother and set out along his route. He couldn’t have known that ...
  • University of Minnesota Student or Staff CPR classes August 23, 2016Troy Bowman
    Are you a new student required to get your CPR certification? Is your CPR certification expiring?   We offer CPR certification classes at over 13 locations in the Twin Cities area with location near the U of M campus. Click here to View our Class Calendar U of M Minneapolis students the following certification are available: BLS Healthcare CPR / Heath ...
  • BayCare medical staff CPR classes August 23, 2016Troy Bowman
    Is your BLS Provider CPR certification expiring and BayCare is requiring you to renew it? We offer CPR certification classes at over 13 locations in the Tampa Bay area Click here to View our Class Calendar     The following certification is required at BayCare: BLS Healthcare CPR / Heath care Professional / BLS Provider through the American Heart Association- These ...
  • CPR in Schools August 17, 2016Laura Crider
    Before he graduates from high school, you know that your student will be taught about literature, algebra, and even health. Today’s public school teachers work hard to give students a well-rounded education. However, some schools also give students an added bonus. When students from these schools receive their high school diplomas, they have CPR knowledge ...
  • Bloodborne Pathogens: Where They Are and How They Are Transmitted August 12, 2016Elizabeth Di Vergigelis
    When considering bloodborne pathogens most people believe that in order to be contaminated by these pathogens they must come in contact with the infected person’s blood in some way into a bodily orifice such as the mouth or nose to become contaminated, as well. But, it is a highly mistaken misnomer of the fact that ...
  • Heart Attack During Business Travel: Heroes Among Us August 3, 2016Steve Rakowski
    Traveling for work can be stressful. Being in an unfamiliar city with no immediate support personnel like family or friends can add to that stress. Having a cardiac episode on top of all that stress can potentially be deadly. That is the story of a co-worker of my wife. A 60+ year old Sales professional was ...
  • Young healthy Teen yet Cardiac Arrest still strikes Emily August 3, 2016Nadene Seiters
    Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the United States with 326,200 individuals experiencing out of hospital cardiac arrest every year, and ninety percent of those individuals die. Thankfully, Emily Orta was of the ten percent who made it. At the age of fourteen, Emily was an active athlete who participated in soccer, track ...
  • Quitting Smoking – Determination, Planning, and Changing Your Routine can Help July 29, 2016Derek Walborn
    Smoking. We know the facts. The science is in and many people have personal horror stories attributed to a friend or family member that has lost the battle with lung cancer after a lifetime of nicotine addiction. Whether its to save money by not having to buy heavily-taxed tobacco products or to preserve one’s health, ...
  • CPR Education Equips Ordinary Citizens To Do The Extraordinary In Cases Of Cardiac Arrest July 27, 2016Derek Walborn
    We have seen it countless times: the ambulance, with lights strobing and siren wailing, slithering its way through a congested city street. Apprehensively crawling under a red light at a busy intersection. Riding the brakes as the motorists in its path turn down their radios and check their mirrors, wondering what all the noise is ...
  • Hot-Weather Safety for Steamy Tampa Summers July 25, 2016Carol Sarao
    Sun-drenched Tampa, with its subtropical climate, rewards residents and visitors alike with a seemingly endless procession of bright, warm days and brilliant blue skies. While other parts of the country are gridlocked in ice and snow, we enjoy mild, pleasant winters. But Tampa residents know that part of living in this beautiful city is dealing with ...
  • Improve Heart Health with Cholesterol-lowering Foods July 22, 2016Carol Sarao
    Improve Heart Health With Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Heart disease, the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, is often associated with high cholesterol levels. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe medication to help reduce your levels. However, you may also be able to lower your cholesterol ...
  • Clearwater Florida resident survives after major heart attack July 20, 2016Laura Crider
    Clearwater resident  has had more than his fair share of physical challenges. On November 17, 2015, Smith, who is a cancer survivor, suddenly collapsed inside his apartment. Later, he would explain that his vision went black as he tried to protect his head while falling to his knees. Fortunately, Smith’s fiancee, Ryen Hauck, was also present. ...
  • Summer job equipped me to save a life years later July 13, 2016Anonymous
    During my teen years I became a life guard like so many of my peers and, thus, had to be trained in how to respond to emergencies.  If you had asked me then how to perform CPR or give aid I would have laughed about that weekend class I had taken because I did not ...
  • Survival Guide on Venomous Snakes in Florida January 26, 2016Derek Walborn
    As the weather becomes less oppressive in the state of Florida, more and more people are venturing outdoors to take full advantage of the mild temperatures and cooler air that this time of the year provides. However, human beings are not the only creatures soaking up the sunshine on these cooler days. Lower temperatures force ...
  • Now offering American Heart CPR private group classes in Mason City, Waterloo, Dubuque and all of northern Iowa January 14, 2016Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR is a large American Heart Training Center (TC) offering private onsite CPR, AED, First Aid, and / or Bloodborne Pathogen training to companies and organizations looking to train 5 or more of their staff. Course offerings include . Inquire or Schedule your ...
  • Learning to Save Lives: All High-Schools Should Provide CPR Training June 25, 2015Robin Johnson
    A commentary recently released by the Mayo Clinic argues that CPR training in high school could be a crucial addition to the curriculum – allowing children to understand the benefits of caring for others and learn new ways to save lives. Recently, the number of U.S. states that have begun to consider cardiopulmonary resuscitation training ...
  • Capella University students needing CPR certification March 27, 2015Troy Bowman
    Capella Students welcome to attend CPR classes with In-Pulse CPR Our classes provide you with the necessary CPR certification (American Heart Association for Healthcare Providers) for enrollment with Capella. Per Capella University guidelines:  …providing documentation of a current CPR certification..  is required.  An American Heart Assoc BLS certification is the national standard for medical students. Please be assured ...
  • Local Crystal River / Inverness Florida CPR classes with the American Heart March 25, 2015Troy Bowman
    Crystal River First Aid Training Classes | Crystal River, FL AED Training Classes | Inverness classes | Over 13 community class locations in central Florida! At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that ...
  • The Importance of Healthy Exercise for seniors March 17, 2015Robin Johnson
    Exercise and physical activity can be essential for helping to you to stay more energetic, independent and healthy as you grow older. Most adults over the age of sixty-five spend around ten hours or more either lying or sitting down every day. This establishes them as the most sedentary group. However, they can pay a ...
  • Staying Safe during Cardiovascular Exercise March 5, 2015Robin Johnson
    Engaging in physical activity does not have to be a strenuous task in order for you to experience the health benefits that you’re looking for. Cardiovascular exercise helps individuals to maintain muscles, healthy bones, and joints, as well as aiding in the control of a recommended weight and reducing body fat. Before you can get ...
  • How to Start Exercising if you’re Overweight February 26, 2015Robin Johnson
    Most of us know how important healthy living is, however that doesn’t mean that it’s always going to be easy. For some people, the prospect of getting fit, engaging in regular exercise and eating right will come naturally. However, for those who are already overweight, or large enough that doing the exercises thinner people do ...
  • Healthy Exercising Advice for New Mothers February 20, 2015Robin Johnson
    In all honesty, as a new mother, you may find that exercising and getting back into shape fitness-wise is not the first thing on your mind. However, this doesn’t mean that figuring out how to become more physically active isn’t worthwhile. In fact, learning how to exercise regularly after you have given birth could be ...
  • Public CPR Classes in Easton PA We offer CPR certification at over 13 locations across central Pennsylvania February 11, 2015Troy Bowman
    At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills they gained.  Our classes are fun too!   Click here to View our Class Calendar  CPR classes ...
  • Fitness Tips for Someone Who is Just Starting February 11, 2015Robin Johnson
      Plenty of people decide at one point or another that it is time for them to start taking their health and fitness more seriously. When this happens, they may choose to improve their dietary choices, or engage in more regular physical activity, however, preferably, they will consider engaging in both. Whether you have been working ...
  • Cardio Exercises that you can do At Home February 3, 2015Robin Johnson
    Finding effective exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home can be an attractive option to many people, as they offer simplicity and convenience, as well as a way for people to save time and money. The real issue is looking for ways to workout at home when you may not ...
  • Benefits of Good Cardiorespiratory Fitness January 28, 2015Robin Johnson
     Cardiorespiratory fitness, when combined with muscle endurance, strength, body composition and flexibility make up the five most crucial components of physical health and fitness. Often referred to as aerobic, endurance or cardio exercise, cardiorespiratory activities, this form of exercise relies upon the ability of your body to provide yourself with enough oxygen to engage in ...
  • Healthy eating and exercise benefits January 22, 2015Robin Johnson
    Keeping yourself physically active through regular exercise routines, and ensuring the proper nourishment of your body with a healthy diet can lead to a host of wonderful benefits, including happiness, increased energy, improved health, and even extra years of life. Diet and exercise are essential when determining a person’s overall health, and making the careful ...
  • CNA CPR certification classes at over 13 class locations across Florida January 21, 2015Troy Bowman
    Nursing Assistant CPR certification classes In-Pulse CPR is one of the largest providers of approved CNA CPR certification classes in the state of Florida.  We currently offer classes across the Tampa Bay area (multiple locations), Orlando, Ocala, Ft Myers, Lakeland, and many other sites across the state. Click here to View our Class Calendar  Our classes are complete ...
  • CNA CPR certification classes at over 13 class locations across Pennsylvania January 21, 2015Troy Bowman
    Nursing Assistant CPR certification classes In-Pulse CPR is one of the largest providers of approved CNA CPR certification classes in the state of Pennsylvania.  We currently offer classes across central and Eastern Pennsylvania including Harrisburg, York, Lancaster, Allentown, West Chester, King of Prussia, and many other sites across the state. Click here to View our Class Calendar Our ...
  • CNA CPR certification classes at over 13 class locations across Minnesota January 21, 2015Troy Bowman
    Nursing Assistant CPR certification classes In-Pulse CPR is one of the largest providers of approved CNA CPR certification classes in the state of Minnesota.  We currently offer classes across the Twin Cities (multiple locations), Duluth, St Cloud, Rochester, and many other sites across the state.   Click here to View our Class Calendar   Our classes are complete and 100% ...
  • February is American Heart Month January 20, 2015Troy Bowman
    – a time when people all over the country take a closer look at getting heart healthy. On average, someone in the U.S. suffers a heart attack every 34 seconds.* About every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke.* *Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2014 Update, American Heart Association Consider an active and healthy eating lifestyle.  Here ...
  • Children and Energy Drinks Do not Mix according to Poison Control Data December 5, 2014Robin Johnson
    Over 40% of all reports regarding energy drinks and U.S. poison control centers involve instances of children beneath the age of six suffering from severe neurological and cardiac symptoms, according to a study presented by the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in 2014. The somewhat excessive representation of youths is worrying, concerning the number ...
  • Emphasizing Full Recoil in CPR Instruction is Essential to Saving Lives November 28, 2014Donna Ryan
    According to a consensus statement issued by the American Heart Association in 2010, high-quality CPR is comprised of certain critical elements. These components emphasize that the emergency responder: Minimize the interruptions in chest compressions; Supply chest compressions of a sufficient rate and depth; Avoid excessive ventilation; and Avoid leaning between compressions. While it is clear that high-quality CPR leads to ...
  • CPR Helps Austin Daughter Save Her Dad’s Life November 24, 2014Donna Ryan
      A Life-changing Event One news report out of Austin Texas resulted in a life-changing experience for Michael DeMarco, 42, and his daughter, Aly DeMarco, aged 13. An event, which happened on February 14, 2014, will cause the pair to definitely remember future Valentine holidays. Ironically, on the heart-filled occasion, a person’s life was saved from a ...
  • Public CPR Classes in Allentown PA October 30, 2014Troy Bowman
    We offer CPR certification at over 13 locations across central Pennsylvania Offering CPR training in Greater Lehigh Valley near Nazareth, Easton, Phillipsburg, & Bethlehem At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student ...
  • The Hollywood Heart Attack October 3, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    You’ve seen it dozens of times before, plastered across your television screen: the agonized grimace, the surprise collapse, and the painful grasping at one’s chest. In the world of medicine, it’s called the Hollywood Heart Attack.
  • The Biggest Killer in the US – Its not Hollywood October 2, 2014Robin Johnson
    The first surprise I learned was that the biggest killer of women in America was actually heart disease, not breast cancer, as many believe.
  • Safer Construction Sites are First Built with CPR and AED Training September 17, 2014Troy Bowman
    According to OSHA, approximately one in five workplace deaths happens on a construction site.  There are many health emergencies that can happen to construction workers including heart attack, stroke, electrocution, dismemberment, breaks, and sprains, etc.  By training the staff on how to respond to cardiac and first aid emergencies, businesses can help protect themselves against ...
  • Family of Lost Teen Calls for Further Use of CPR and AEDs September 15, 2014Robin Johnson
    Several factors can lead to an individual’s heartbeat or breathing unexpectedly coming to a halt, from blood infections, to heart attacks, to simple accidents. Even when the cause of a cardiac arrest isn’t known, there is still a way to reduce the chances of the situation being fatal, if only someone nearby administers CPR immediately, ...
  • Florida Public Schools need ‘CPR training’ requirement for graduating Students August 29, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    Why Florida should Introduce CPR Training Requirement in High Schools Statistics have found that each year, over a quarter of a million Americans die suddenly as a result of cardiac arrest. According to statements given by medical experts, the best way to provide a stunning chance of survival to someone suffering from cardiac problems, it to ...
  • We need a ‘CPR Training’ Requirement for Graduating High School Students in Pennsylvania Public Schools August 29, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    Currently there are 18 states that have a requirement for students to learn CPR before they can graduate.  According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation-  “Additional states have CPR/AED education requirements for schools, but there are limitations. For example: In Illinois, schools are required to offer CPR/AED training, but students are not required to undergo ...
  • Essential Safety: The 5 Reasons Your Company should have an AED August 13, 2014Robin Johnson
    The AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) was introduced to the public over thirty years ago, designed to administer a potentially life-save electric jolt to the failing heart of a victim in order to restore a regular rhythm. The fact that most of us spend a large portion of our days within the work place makes it ...
  • Hiring a Tampa Florida Babysitter with CPR Training could Save Your Child’s Life August 1, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    With so many people living busy lives and dealing with hectic schedules these days, it is not uncommon for parents to seek out the assistance of a professional babysitter during the times they cannot provide care themselves. Sometimes, you may need a babysitter on hand for as little as a few hours a week so ...
  • Why is a Minnesota babysitter with CPR knowledge so important? August 1, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    Life can be hectic at the best of times, and parents are not always going to be able to be there to look out for their children at all times, especially when they have other important commitments to consider. It’s perfectly normal to seek out the assistance of a babysitter when time is running short ...
  • Babysitters in Pennsylvania should know the Importance of Learning Effective CPR August 1, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    For parents, finding the ideal babysitter can be a lot like looking for the Holy Grail. It’s quite an adventure, attempting to find someone who not only provides a comfortable environment for your children, but also puts your mind at rest about the concept of leaving your loved ones with someone else. If you believe that ...
  • Why Individuals Who Care for Children must have CPR Training August 1, 2014Benjamin Roussey
    Caring for children, whether it is part of an occupation such as babysitting or a necessity within everyday life, is one of the most important responsibilities an individual will ever face. As the most vulnerable fraction of the population, children need attentive care to ensure they remain secure and healthy in any situation. Whether you are ...
  • Pressing the Speed Dial or 911 is Not Enough – Learn CPR July 25, 2014Donna Ryan
      Be Proactive – Sign Up for Heartsaver CPR You cannot just press “911” on you cell phone and hope for the best. Saving a life is much more crucial than that. Knowing CPR can avert a tragedy, and keep a person sustained until emergency help arrives. Therefore, anyone, any age, should make it a point to ...
  • Babysitters in Pennsylvania Understand the Importance of Knowing CPR and First Aid July 25, 2014Donna Ryan
      Learn to be A First Responder If you think that babysitting only involves reading a book while the child you are “watching” is playing upstairs, you need to reassess the job and find something else to do. Babysitters need to possess a basic understanding of the responsibilities of the work and also need to know ...
  • Minnesotan Babysitters Should Receive Heartsaver CPR and Heartsaver First Aid before Accepting Work July 25, 2014Donna Ryan
    Provide an Additional Level of Trust – Obtain CPR Training If you live in Minnesota and are thinking of earning extra money this summer babysitting for others, then it’s also important to be well-prepared. Minnesota babysitters, eleven years and older, can provide an extra level of trust and assurance to their clients by obtaining certification ...
  • Tampa Babysitters Need to Understand CPR before They Take on an Assignment July 25, 2014Donna Ryan
    Be Prepared – Obtain the Necessary CPR and First Aid Training Any Florida babysitter, 12 years of age or older, should be well-prepared before taking on a babysitting assignment. Therefore, your basic understanding of your responsibilities should also include first aid safety training and CPR. After all, children suffer from strains and sprains and can easily ...
  • Minnesota Teen Uses the Skills She Learned in Eighth-grade CPR Class to Save Her Sister’s Life July 25, 2014Donna Ryan
    A Law That Will Save Countless Lives When you are younger or older, knowing CPR is an important and essential skill that one can never overlook. Two sisters, from Chaska, Minnesota know, all too well, the veracity of this statement. Fortunately, Minnesota lawmakers have instituted a statute that mandates the instruction of CPR in Minnesota schools. ...
  • I understand why I need to learn CPR but why should I learn how to use an AED? July 24, 2014Troy Bowman
    Many people understand the need to learn how to perform CPR but  have trouble understanding why we also teach how to use an AED in all of our classes.  An electric shock delivered quickly by an AED can be life saving.  AEDs are becoming increasingly more popular at public venues including airports, sports areas, malls, ...
  • Only 10 percent of victims survive without CPR May 13, 2014Troy Bowman
       Here is an interesting fact.  Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the U.S., affecting more than 1,000 people each day. On average only 10 percent of victims survive, but survival rates jump to 40 percent when victims are treated with CPR and defibrillators.  This percentage increases even more when immediate ...
  • More student reviews April 15, 2014Troy Bowman
    As Business manager with In-Pulse CPR, I see hundreds of reviews from students whom have attended our classes each and every month.  We rarely see a bad review.   Here are some recent reviews from some of our students: Best CPR class that I’ve ever taken! Instructors were fabulous!  Finally feel confident with what to do!  There were ...
  • Burnsville CPR Training Classes April 14, 2014Troy Bowman
    Burnsville First Aid Training Classes  |  Burnsville AED Training Classes | BLS Healthcare CPR At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills they ...
  • National American University (NAU) Students welcome to attend CPR classes March 6, 2014Troy Bowman
    Our classes provide you with the necessary CPR certification (American Heart Association for Healthcare Providers) for enrollment with NAU. Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a BLS for Healthcare course . At In-Pulse CPR we take ...
  • Best class – student comment February 27, 2014Anonymous
    I took the BLS class yesterday. Have been to fourteen of these so far in the last 28 yrs of my career . I would like to say that this was THE best, most enjoyable one I have ever sat through. The instructor, Jason, was FANTASTIC. He had  just the right amount of humor, coupled ...
  • CPR Classes in Eagan MN and 12 other class locations in metro area December 9, 2013Troy Bowman
    Eagan First Aid Training Classes  |  Eagan AED Training Classes | Eagan BLS CPR Classes In-Pulse CPR is the metro’s largest CPR class provider.  We think you will find our classes to be the most enjoyable and educational CPR class you have ever attended.  We currently offer classes at 13 class locations in the metro.  Follow ...
  • Local Clermont Florida CPR classes with the American Heart October 25, 2013Troy Bowman
    Clermont First Aid Training Classes | Clermont FL AED Training Classes | 5 class locations to choose from in area – Over 13 class locations in state! At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make ...
  • Florida Hospital Carrollwood area CPR class options October 17, 2013Troy Bowman
    We have a large amount of nurses and other healthcare workers who take our classes over an equivalent employer offered course.   Please be assured that all Healthcare providers in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a BLS for Healthcare course . At In-Pulse CPR we ...
  • St Joseph Hospital CPR class offerings October 17, 2013Troy Bowman
    St Joseph Womens, St Joseph Childrens, St Joseph North, St Joseph Hospital We have a large amount of nurses and other healthcare workers who take our classes over an equivalent employer offered course.   Please be assured that all Healthcare providers in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up ...
  • American Heart BLS/CPR Classes Rochester MN October 17, 2013Troy Bowman
    We have a large amount of nurses and other healthcare workers who take our classes over an equivalent employer offered course.   Please be assured that all Healthcare providers in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a BLS Provider course . Note:  We have over a ...
  • Keiser University students of Florida welcome to attend CPR classes September 24, 2013Troy Bowman
    Keiser Tampa campus, Sarasota Keiser campus, Keiser Orlando, Lakeland Keiser University, Ft Myers Keiser University – CPR classes We have a large amount of nursing and medical students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or medical programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill ...
  • Augsburg College students welcome to attend CPR classes September 24, 2013Troy Bowman
    Minneapolis & Rochester Campuses – Augsburg College MN CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up ...
  • Lincoln Technical Institute students welcome to attend CPR classes September 24, 2013Troy Bowman
    Lincoln Technical Institute Group of schools CPR Training Classes – Dental Assistant-Nursing-Pharmacy Technician-Surgical Technology-Medical Assistant with Basic X-Ray Americare School of Nursing CPR Fern Park Orlando Campus CPR training Lincoln Technical Tampa Campus CPR classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all ...
  • Fortis College in Winter Park Florida students welcome to attend CPR classes September 24, 2013Troy Bowman
    Nursing, healthcare, medical, dental students from Fortis CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing, EMT, or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up ...
  • UCF College of Nursing students welcome to attend CPR classes in Orlando September 24, 2013Troy Bowman
    University Central Florida CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing, EMT, or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a BLS ...
  • Middletown Area School District September 23, 2013Troy Bowman
    August-2013 I just wanted to thank you for an awesome training this morning!  My staff raved about your trainers – they said it was the best CPR/AED training they have ever received.  They loved the personal touch, and said that it was very interactive and interesting. We hope to continue to work with you in coming years! Christine, ...
  • Now offering CPR classes in Central Florida Orlando area including Kissimmee, Altamonte Springs and others September 14, 2013Troy Bowman
    Orlando First Aid Training Classes | Orlando AED Training Classes | 5 class locations to choose from in area   At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling ...
  • Impressed August 29, 2013Cheryl Wilmore
    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with the class I took last night (Fridley). Tiffany is an amazing instructor and I thoroughly enjoyed the class (not a common experience with CPR classes in the past!).  Thank you!  Keep up the great work.     Kristine Maplewood, MN    
  • Florida needs more accessable AED’s August 28, 2013Troy Bowman
    About 2.5 million AEDs are scattered across a country of more than 300 million people; experts calculate that 30 million of the devices are needed just to cover all major metropolitan areas. And even if your office building or church is equipped with an AED, you might not know it. Unlike fire extinguishers, which are a ...
  • DOTmed: AED Manufacturers Get Regulatory Jolt May 10, 2013Troy Bowman
    Posted May 10th, 2013 by SCAFoundation SCA News The automated external defibrillator industry is about to get a bit of a jolt, according to Brendon Nafiger in DOTmed Business News. In March, the Food and Drug Administration released a long-in-the-works proposed order that will toughen the procedure for getting the devices on the market after a number ...
  • USCG April 29, 2013Troy Bowman
    April 29, 2013 – The US Coast Guard in Clearwater Florida calls on In-Pulse CPR to train about 50 personnel.
  • New Grade School Mandate for Minnesota: Students must be CPR trained! February 14, 2013Maria McCutchen
    A new law, passed by Governor Mark Dayton on April 23, 2012 (H.F. 2509/S.F. 1908), will require that school age students learn to use an external defibrillator, as well as receive hands-on training of CPR practices, at least once before they graduate.  It is recognized that students can, and do save lives with knowledge and ...
  • CPR training requirement for H.O.P.E School Children in Florida January 16, 2013Maria McCutchen
    The H.O.P.E. program (Health Opportunities through Physical Education) is an educational elective for Florida school students that allows them to personally experience all the benefits of routine exercise, proper nutritional choices, and overall good-health decisions through a combination of health and physical education.  It enables students to get a better understanding of the benefits of ...
  • In-Pulse CPR gaining AHA Training Center status! December 14, 2012Anonymous
    December 14, 2012.  After over a year in the works, Florida based In-Pulse CPR, Inc enters into an agreement with the American Heart Association to become an official AHA Training Center(TC).  Troy Bowman, a spokesman for the company states, “We are now in a position to better provide for our instructors and students”.  Their agreement ...
  • Minnesota Board of Pharmacy approves In-Pulse CPR for Continuing Education Course Credits November 16, 2012Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR, Inc. is now approved to offer Continuing Education Credits for all Pharmacist in the state of Minnesota by attending any of our public BLS Healthcare CPR courses within the state. In-Pulse CPR offers Healthcare CPR classes at over 13 locations in the Twin Cities, St Cloud, and Duluth.   View our calendar now of public CPR ...
  • Ten GREAT Reasons to Drink Water September 12, 2012Susan Patterson
    Fresh, clean water, the great wellspring of life, is so simple it is often overlooked. The human body is comprised of anywhere between 55% – 78% water. The brain alone consists of 90% water, the blood 83%, muscle 75% and bone 22%.   Water is essential for life, even more so than food. Most human beings can go weeks, even months without food but only ...
  • Camping Safety Tips August 2, 2012Jennifer C
    Camping is an activity that’s enjoyed by millions every year, and the best thing about this activity is that it can be enjoyed year round – winter, spring, summer and fall. So, whether you plan on roughing it in a tent or planning a family outing to a national park, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t ...
      First – Check the Weather Forecast If you enjoy boating, then safety should be first and foremost in your mind when navigating the coastal waters of Tampa, Florida. Before you set out on any boating excursion then, you want to make sure that the weather stays pleasant. Therefore, don’t leave the dock without confirming that the ...
  • Are your children playing it safe? July 11, 2012Kaline Reine
    It’s a hot summer day… Your child asks you if he or she can go to the playground. Seeing nothing wrong with this, you decide to take them. When you arrive, there are many parents playing with their kids. Your little one soon scampers off, to play with the others. You find yourself enjoying the ...
  • First Aid Kit for Hiking July 10, 2012Maria McCutchen
    Hiking is a great outdoor activity that can give you well-rounded, and balanced benefits. Most people to hike for the pure enjoyment of the sport; to get out in nature and see the sites. Exercise is another motivating factor behind hiking. It is a great way to get a good cardio, as well as muscle ...
  • CPR training Classes now in Spring Hill Florida area July 6, 2012Troy Bowman
    Spring Hill First Aid Training Classes | Brooksville AED Training Classes | 13 class locations to choose from in area At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom ...
  • Packing for Camping Safety June 15, 2012Susan Patterson
      There is nothing more peaceful than a trip to the great outdoors. Being amongst nature is a relaxing departure from the daily grind. Camping may seem, to some, a rather passive activity requiring little forethought. However, this could not be further from the truth. Without proper packing, camping can indeed be extremely dangerous. Smart packing means safe camping, don’t be caught without these essential items.   First-aid ...
  • Are you really safe when you go to the beach? June 11, 2012Kaline Reine
    Swimming seems like such a simple thing. It’s something that most Floridians don’t really give a second thought to. But how do you know when you are at the beach with your family that you are really safe? There are many dangers when going to the beach. For children, it’s probably a good idea to make ...
  • 12 Safety Tips Every Hiker Needs to Know May 3, 2012Jennifer C
      It’s no secret that hiking is a fun activity in which the entire family can participate in.  After all, who wouldn’t enjoy observing the natural elements that surround us?   Even though hiking is an adventurous sport with many advantages, such as beautiful scenery and health benefits, it can also have disadvantages, such as falling rocks and ...
  • Beach Safety Tips for a Safer Summer April 22, 2012Regina Hurley
    Beach Warning Flags  You see them flying on all of Florida’s public beaches, they are there to let swimmers know if it is safe to swim or not but, do you really know what they mean? The beach is a wonderful place to spend a hot summer day but, the ocean can change very quickly and ...
  • Breaking Falls Safely – Home Playground Equipment April 20, 2012Susan Patterson
    Although we often hear of the children injured on public playgrounds, over 50,000 youngsters suffer from accidents annually on home playground equipment. Time and planning are essential when considering installation of such equipment. Although it is beneficial to provide your children with a physical outlet, securing their safety should always be the first matter of business. Since the majority of injuries ...
  • Going to the Beach? Remember, Safety Comes First! April 20, 2012Jennifer C
    In my opinion, there’s nothing more fun to do in the summer than take a beach vacation.  Growing up, my family and I would visit the beach multiple times a year and we all loved it!  Splashing in the waves, walking on the wet sand, collecting shells – it can’t get much better than that! Even ...
  • Babysitting and CPR / First Aid April 7, 2012Maria McCutchen
    Babysitting is an important job. It requires first and foremost, the love of children, but beyond that, there are many qualifications you must possess in order to be a good and responsible babysitter. Children of all ages have needs that require tending to. You will need to be aware of the different age groups, and ...
  • Signs of a potential Heart Attacks March 16, 2012Kaline Reine
    If you or someone you know is having a heart attack, you may have only a few minutes to act. A heart attack can strike suddenly, and sometimes without warning. It’s important to know what to do in an emergency. There are many different causes of heart attacks… And there is a lot you should ...
  • His Team Lost, but He Won! March 5, 2012Tom Sirmons
      Leo Staudacher hadn’t planned on watching the Michigan-Notre game on television, let alone in a hospital ICU unit. But he was very grateful to have seen the end of the game at all. The 69 year old Bay City man was watching the game at Michigan Stadium when he collapsed from sudden cardiac arrest, the ...
  • Severe Weather Safety Tips February 22, 2012Regina Hurley
    In 2011 Atlanta, GA suffered from more severe weather than it has in many years. It seems as though the weather here in Atlanta gets worse every year; with everything from snow storms that last for weeks to a battery of tornados, and thunder storms that rage across the state like an angry bull. Be Ready ...
  • Protecting yourself Against Bloodborne Pathogens in a Health Care Setting February 15, 2012Donna Ryan
      Occupations at Risk If you work in a number of occupations, particularly in nursing or as an emergency medical technician (EMT), you are at a pronounced risk of being exposed to bloodborne pathnogens (BBPs). Other occupations that stand the risk of infection from BBPs include police officers, firemen, clinical or laboratory workers, plumbers, hair stylists, and ...
  • She “was not responding” to CPR February 10, 2012Carol Theis
    This weekend I was home watching TV, flipping through the channels, when a program caught my attention. This program was reviewing the case of a gentleman who had lost his wife in a diving “accident”.  They were trying the evidence presented at his trial.  His apparent lack of emotions,  the situation that left her alone ...
  • The Best Way To Stay Safe On A Cruise Ship February 8, 2012Judith Kolberg
    Cruise ships have the best safety record in the travel industry, but despite international maritime rules and regulations, U.S. Coast Guard guidelines, and stringent international laws, cruise ship accidents or incidents still occur. If your cruise ship captain steers too close to the shore, hits a rock, is distracted by a 25 year old blond ...
  • Quantity over Quality? Not all CPR classes are the same. February 7, 2012Felicia Quinones
    As a former daycare provider, I know a daycare center prides itself on how many teachers they can say are CPR and First Aid certified. When a potential parent is touring and the director can say that a large percentage of the staff is certified…well, how much better can it get? I was certified for several ...
  • What a Bystander was Taught Saves a Teacher’s Life February 5, 2012Tom Sirmons
    When paramedics in Dallas arrived at Sarah Zumwalt Middle School, they found a teacher in the midst of a heart attack. “He was in ventricular fibrillation, a fatal rhythm,” said Fire Department Lieutenant Greg Henderson. They also found that a fellow educator already was performing CPR. Said Henderson, “Bystander CPR is what saved this person’s ...
  • Even First Responders Can Become Disaster Victims, Atlanta Ice Storm Jan 2011 January 12, 2012Judith Kolberg
      “I’m trained in CPR and always thought of myself as a first responder and a caretaker of others, but during Atlanta’s ice storm in January, 2011 I was the one who ended up needing assistance”, reflects Dr. Benjamin Albright. The icy parking lot in front of his busy Marietta chiropractic office lay at the bottom ...
  • Prompt Intervention Saves Lives in Grand Marais January 6, 2012Benjamin Roussey
    Gary Radloff, a bailiff for Cook County in Grand Marais, MN. has become a local hero in the community. His quick intervention helped save lives when a man who just received a guilty verdict in a criminal case went on a shooting rampage. Two people were shot and two others received injuries during this courthouse ...
  • Winter Play Safety Tips for Children January 4, 2012Sarah Klauda
      Snow is one of nature’s greatest toys for all ages. You can mold it, build with it, slide on it, throw it, and so much more. No matter how old you are, it is important to be safe when playing outside in the fresh powder. These six simple guidelines can help everyone make the most ...
  • Dealing with Epilepsy: A First-Aider’s Guide January 2, 2012Leonard Telford
    There are few conditions that a first aider will come across that are scarier than a classic grand mal seizure. While you can bandage a wound, place someone in the recovery position, or administer CPR, the sight of someone shaking on the ground is extremely daunting if you are not use to it. First, though, you ...
  • Ballpark CPR December 29, 2011Maria McCutchen
    Ballparks are always a fun gathering place for many people and families. The excitement of seeing your child playing baseball can bring out a sense of pride, and enjoyment. But, as fun as ballparks are, they can also be dangerous. There are many different types of injuries that can occur at a ballpark, one of ...
  • Crossing the REAL Finish-Line December 27, 2011Tom Sirmons
    He was only a tenth of a mile from the finish line of a half-marathon race in San Jose when the 40 year old man collapsed. A Stanford University Hospital nurse was nearby and quickly determined the man had no pulse and wasn’t breathing. She started CPR immediately, and soon, Emergency Medical Technicians from an ...
  • Ever considered a career in Nursing? December 27, 2011Maria McCutchen
    Since the day of Clara Barton, a pioneer in the field of nursing, nursing has not only become a degree that many strive to attain, but is a very respected career. Nurses are always needed in multiple types of medical settings. Nurses are always in demand.   Nursing is a challenging field, yet very rewarding. It is ...
  • Hiking Preparedness December 20, 2011Susan Patterson
    Written by Susan Patterson Without proper planning, a hike can quickly turn into a nightmare. Avoiding unnecessary accidents and incidents is possible with adequate preparation. Remember, it is equally vital to prepare for a day hike, as it is to prepare for a longer journey. Know your route well and always take a friend along. Hiking alone is dangerous and ...
  • CPR Saves Senior Citizen’s Life in Tampa December 20, 2011Benjamin Roussey
    Written by Benjamin Roussey  An 89-year old man has been admitted, in serious condition, to the burn unit at Tampa General Hospital, following a fire that gutted his home. The elderly man named Charles “Luke” Davis lived on 22nd Avenue South in St. Petersburg where he became trapped by a major fire. Neighbors smelled smoke but failed ...
  • Proper precautions and training can prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens December 13, 2011Pearl Salkin
    written by Pearl Salkin | If a lab technician at a major medical research center in the United States drops a glass beaker on a counter and it breaks, it’s highly unlikely that any bloodborne pathogen that might be present will find a series of human hosts and cause a worldwide epidemic. Such facilities fall under ...
  • Safety on the beach December 13, 2011Pearl Salkin
    written by Pearl Salkin | What could be better than spending a beautiful spring day at the beach? Kids living at the coast or lakeside have perennially played hooky on a hot May day to enjoy the sand and the surf. Similarly, grandmas and grandpas in Miami and throughout the Sunshine State often find the call ...
  • Paying it forward – Sudden cardiac arrest survivor saves a classmate December 8, 2011Pearl Salkin
    Survivors of sudden cardiac arrest usually feel lucky to be alive. Their rescuer was in the right place, at the right time and ready to use their CPR skills to save the victim‘s life.. While the successful outcome of each individual who has come back from the brink is surely something to celebrate, one young ...
  • St Petersburg College Health Students Wecome to our CPR Training Classes December 5, 2011Troy Bowman
    SPC CPR Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we love to teach CPR and it shows. We use the latest state-of-the-art CPR equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills they gained. Our classes are fun too! Click here to View our Class ...
  • Miracle in Marin November 10, 2011Tom Sirmons
    The call came in to the Marin County, California Fire Department: “Bicyclist down”. Dispatchers say they get a lot of such calls, usually involving minor injuries. This one was different.   When a fire truck and paramedics rolled up to the scene, a bystander was performing CPR on the downed cyclist, who’d had a heart attack. EMS ...
  • CPR is not something you do on the living November 9, 2011Carol Theis
    I recently met a woman in a class who stated that she never performed CPR, but almost did.  I asked for more information and found out that she had looked out her front window one morning just in time to see a man collapse near her mailbox.  She said that she “would have performed CPR, ...
  • Father and Daughter Saved November 3, 2011Tom Sirmons
    A Chicago man and his daughter were saved from drowning in choppy Lake Michigan, when fast-acting bystanders pulled them from the water. The father undoubtedly would have died on shore if a rescuer hadn’t put his CPR training to quick use. The 14-year old girl was floundering in waves up to four feet high off a ...
  • Weekly American Heart CPR training in St Petersburg area October 27, 2011Mollie Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR is now offering weekly CPR classes in St Petes and Pinellas Park neighborhoods. These public classes offer CPR and / or First Aid certifications for Healthcare (BLS) and non-healthcare (Heartsaver) at convenient locations and times says a spokesman for the company. View St Petersburg and Pinellas Park CPR class calendar now   The American Heart is ...
  • An Intersection of Need and Know-how October 27, 2011Tom Sirmons
    Some might call it a bizarre set of coincidences, while others would say it was divine intervention. Either way, the fact that a 22-month old girl survived cardiac arrest was a miracle directly attributable to the CPR training of a passerby.   The toddler was visiting with relatives in St. Catharine’s, Canada, when the crisis happened. An ...
  • Trained in CPR October 19, 2011Tom Sirmons
    You’re never too young to have a heart attack – or too young to save the life of someone who’s had one. Beth Scroggs was only 52 and in good health, riding San Francisco BART commuter train, when suddenly she slumped over in her seat, unconscious. Ms. Scroggs had suffered a cardiac arrest, the leading ...
  • Guarding Life October 13, 2011Tom Sirmons
    Live power lines and oncoming traffic didn’t deter a Massachusetts prison guard from saving the life of a man who’d suffered a heart attack while driving. Credit goes to a combination of bravery, fast action and CPR training. Edward Johansen was driving along Route 140 in Norton early in the afternoon when he saw a car ...
  • DO SOMETHING! October 11, 2011Carol Theis
    Written by Carol – In-Pulse CPR Instructor | A number of years ago, our neighborhood experienced one of the most horrific of nightmare situations.  Little 5 year old, Shannon, was coming home from Kindergarten one very slippery January day in Pennsylvania.  The bus driver loved the children very much, lived in the neighborhood, and in 22 ...
  • What is Capnography? October 11, 2011Mollie Bowman
    With the 2010 guidelines, American Heart Association now endorses wave form capnography. So what is Capnography? Capnography is becoming an integral part of the monitoring done in the prehospital environment.  A capnograph is used to monitor/measure the amount of carbon dioxide in respiratory gases.  It provides information about the effectiveness of respiration’s, and end-tidal carbon dioxide values.  ...
  • HCC Hillsborough Community College nursing students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes October 4, 2011Troy Bowman
    HCC Nursing students CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course. Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements. When signing up please select a BLS for Healthcare ...
  • American Health Institute Port Richey students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes October 4, 2011Troy Bowman
    American Health Institute FL available CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of Medical Assistants and nursing students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course. Please be assured that all nursing programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements. When signing up please select a BLS for ...
  • New Port Richey CPR Training Classes September 22, 2011Troy Bowman
    New Port Richey First Aid Training Classes  |  New Port Richey AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills they ...
  • Galen College of Nursing students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes September 22, 2011Troy Bowman
    Galen School of Nursing FL CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a ...
  • A Life Saved, Automatically! September 22, 2011Tom Sirmons
    Bystanders performing CPR and law enforcement officers equipped with a readily-available electronic device saved the life of a 74-year old heart attack victim in Cayucos, California. In both cases, a few hours of training made all the difference. Ben Hunt was having dinner with his wife at a restaurant, when he looked through the window and ...
  • My dad is Superman September 15, 2011Benjamin Roussey
    The morning of the 3rd Saturday in May of 2008 was not any different than any other 3rd Saturday of any other month for Joe Fernando. A librarian by profession, Joe was also a trained first aid support volunteer. More like a custom out of habit, Joe got up late, prepared himself for the day ...
  • Survival story of a cardiac arrest victim at work September 8, 2011Pearl Salkin
    There is a funny quote attributed to American author and humorist Mark Twain stating that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. Florida resident and cardiac arrest survivor Charles Morgan can honestly say, “Been there, done that!” Morgan miraculously came back from the great beyond. According to medical experts, he was dead for 16-20 minutes before ...
  • Survivor Story of a Cardiac Arrest Victim – Highway to Hell September 1, 2011Benjamin Roussey
    Robert Hill and his two kids Emma and Jade were driving back from their weekend trip from the amusement park. It was a custom with the Hill family to take a trip the final weekend of the month; only this time Christy, Robert’s wife, hadn’t been feeling too well and skipped the trip. Both the ...
  • Let me tell you about Alex August 30, 2011David Gerhartt
    If you have never witnessed a person go in to cardiac arrest then consider your self lucky. If you have then you experienced one of two things: 1: Complete helplessness 2: An overwhelming sense to act   Those of you who would relate with the ladder must be CPR certified. If you can’t relate to either, let me tell you ...
  • Survival story of a cardiac arrest victim walking to work August 25, 2011Pearl Salkin
    Gas is expensive. Cars carrying commuters add huge amounts of pollutants to our already dirty air. By walking to work, those hardy souls who leave the auto at home and hop into a pair of sneakers for the daily trip on foot are getting some valuable exercise and saving the planet, too. But for one 58-year-old ...
  • Eureka! They Found CPR! August 18, 2011Tom Sirmons
    A man in Eureka, Oregon is alive today because two bystanders gave him CPR after he suffered a heart attack. It was shortly after eight in the morning, when a 911 dispatcher got the call: a man had collapsed in a shopping mall. A Fire Department Emergency Response team raced to the scene, and found ...
  • Survival story of a cardiac arrest victim on the golf course August 11, 2011Pearl Salkin
    When a weekend golfer lives in an area that gets blasted by winter’s furious snowstorms and seemingly endless stretches of sub-freezing weather, playing a round with a bunch of buddies on a gorgeous course on a warm, sunny day is something to celebrate. But when hitting the ball off the 15th tee is immediately followed ...
  • Did you know cat litter weighs a ton? August 4, 2011Linda Flack
    It was about 5:30 in the evening and I was cooking  dinner.  I was wondering how my 74 year old father was doing on his first day on the job as a bagger at Publix.  It had been over six months that we had lost my Mom and I had done everything I could to ...
  • Studies: Bystanders Who Know CPR Save Lives! August 2, 2011Tom Sirmons
    Written by Tom Sirmons                                                      A wealth of recent research* reaches the same conclusion: those who suffer cardiac arrest are far more likely to survive long-term if a bystander immediately begins proper CPR. That’s especially true when emergency medical personnel are unable reach the scene within eight minutes. BUT – considering that brain damage from ...
  • Extreme Sports leads to a need for Extreme CPR July 28, 2011Benjamin Roussey
    Josh Garner, Matthew Gibson, and Bert Fox had decided to celebrate their high school graduation together at Josh’s house. His parents were not home so the three teenagers had the house all to themselves. The spirit of fun mixed with alcohol endowed courage led them to try out what Bert liked calling extreme sports.   When Fun ...
  • An Angel on Wheels July 21, 2011Tom Sirmons
    Angels don’t always appear in mystical visions. Sometimes, they show up on bicycles. During St. Petersburg’s ‘Meek and Mighty Triathlon’, an annual May event to raise funds for St. Anthony’s Hospital, 37-year old Teresa McCoy was about to finish the cycling competition when she noticed a man who’d collapsed on the street. Two police officers ...
  • Son dies after being ran over by his dad – sad story July 19, 2011Anonymous
    Once minute your child is playing and the next they are gone!
  • Minnesota School of Business students are welcome to attend our CPR training classes July 18, 2011Troy Bowman
    Minnesota School of Business CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing, dental or EMT ...
  • Survival story of a cardiac arrest victim July 18, 2011Pearl Salkin
    Millions of Americans celebrate our independence as they get together with friends, family and gobs of food for a blissful day at the beach or park followed by oohs and ahs at Fourth of July fireworks displays. But for two young women in Michigan with a special bond, this year’s annual commemoration marked the fifth ...
  • Smoking is an addiction that has gripped the country — But there is help July 18, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    The dangers of cardiovascular disease have only become well-known within the last five years. As the leading cause death in women, it is a formidable disease that fells CEOs and stay-at-home moms alike.
  • Love Minnesota Hate Winter July 17, 2011Anonymous
    Snot freezes in your mustache. Your breathing causes your scarf and glasses to frost up. Fingers and toes start to ache like when you grab a hot pan…
  • In-Pulse CPR is now offering multiple CPR training classes in central Pennsylvania July 17, 2011Troy Bowman
    CPR training classes now available at multiple locations near Harrisburg, the capital of PA Online PR News – 16-September-2010 – In-Pulse CPR is now offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation classes at 6 locations in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania metro area for both community and health care professionals. Class locations include: Harrisburg, Reading, York, Gettysburg, Hershey, and Lancaster. ...
  • CPR and First Aid for Babysitters July 16, 2011Laura_Frost
    As a child care provider you should know what to look for in signs of a child being in a struggle. This could be anything from their breathing stopping to their choking on a small wrapper. As a babysitter or
  • Is she allergic to me July 16, 2011Anonymous
    Could she be allergic to the gold in the ring, maybe sweating causes the irritation, maybe she is just allergic to me jk.
  • Minneapolis CPR Training Classes July 15, 2011Troy Bowman
    Minneapolis First Aid Training Classes  |  Minneapolis AED Training Classes | 13 class locations to choose from At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each ...
  • History of Nursing July 14, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    The formal somewhat standardized training of nurses can be traced as far as the third and fourth century Roman Empire’s Christian courtesans provided houses for the poor, sick, injured and homeless while women slaves provided nursing services.
  • Sharing a common goal July 14, 2011Anonymous
    National recognized organizations…to teach, to train, to serve
  • Ways on winning the Cholesterol war. Something you may not have heard before. July 13, 2011Nupur Agarwal
    The word cholesterol generally sets alarms bells ringing in ones mind. One thinks of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke damaging the delicate human system. But then hey! If it’s all that bad, what is the need of this soft, waxy, greasy substance doing rounds in our body?
  • Fitness in a bottle — If only it could be that easy! July 13, 2011Nupur Agarwal
    Abusing your body can cost you a lot, not only in terms of doctor’s bills ,but also the age long negative effects it can have. Treasure your health and take good care of it before it’s too late!
  • More CPR class locations in Minneapolis area – Everyone should know how to perform CPR! July 12, 2011Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR now offers CPR classes at over 13 public locations in the Twin Cities area.  Offering American Heart CPR , AED, and First Aid classes at convenient dates and times.  We also offer private classes for groups of 5 or more. Register for a  CPR Class Now ###
  • First Aid Camping Tips July 12, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    Hiking, biking, walking and camping are just a few of the many activities pursued during the summer months. However, due to these activities, as well as the increased actions of people during these months, it is the time of the year when one is at the greatest risk for injury.
  • Calling 911 may not be enough to save a loved one July 11, 2011Troy Bowman
    After 10 minutes brain damage is almost certain and non reversible. In other words, your love ones need your help to survive. YOU CAN’T RELY ON OUTSIDE HELP BECAUSE OUTSIDE HELP MOST LIKELY WON’T ARRIVE FAST ENOUGH!
  • What is CPR July 11, 2011Mollie Bowman
    Cardiac arrest is often caused by an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF).
  • Ocala CPR training Classes July 9, 2011Troy Bowman
    Ocala First Aid Training Classes  |  Ocala AED Training Classes This class is open to the public and is held one a month at: Rasmussen College Ocala Campus 4755 SW 46th Court Ocala, FL 34474 REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an ...
  • KNOW YOUR RISKS, WOMEN ! July 8, 2011Mollie Bowman
    More than 430,000 women die yearly due to cardiovascular disease.
  • The Ever-Changing Science of Healthcare July 8, 2011Melanie Pinette
    Healthcare is a broad ever-changing science that will forever surprise us with new and improved life-saving procedures, devices, and medicines. We all wish to one day find the ‘Fountain of Youth’, but in reality, it’s the brilliant individuals in the health and science fields that are always hard at work to find the latest and ...
  • Normandale Community College Students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes July 7, 2011Troy Bowman
    Normandale Community College MN CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing and dental students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept ...
  • An Innocent Child July 6, 2011Melanie Pinette
    “A parent should never have to bury their child”. To lose a child is something that causes the most indescribable pain a human being can feel, both physically and mentally. Some people never recover, while others use it to gain strength. Watching the dedicated medics and firefighters perform CPR on my baby and do everything ...
  • Tribute to Paramedics June 30, 2011Pamela Arsena
    Written by Pamela Arsena Paramedics are the first line of defense when something has gone terribly wrong.  They often see us in our worst hour and often times save the day.  They work tiredly behind the scenes providing life saving medical attention to people in their time of need.  Often times the work of a paramedic ...
  • American Heart CPR training classes in Pennsylvania June 30, 2011Troy Bowman
    Pennsylvania First Aid Training Classes  |  Pennsylvania AED Training Classes | PA CPR At In-Pulse CPR, we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom ...
  • North St Paul CPR Training Classes June 29, 2011Troy Bowman
    St Paul First Aid Training Classes  |  St Paul AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling ...
  • The American Heart Association: A brief history of a great institution. June 25, 2011Pamela Arsena
    It wasn’t until the late 1930’s that AHA begun looking at ways to extend their activities to reach the public.
  • CPR: A Hands-on Approach June 20, 2011Karen Helm
    Our hands have been known to accomplish many things, but the greatest, is saving a life.
  • Lowering your Cholesterol June 17, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    High cholesterol can be a scary precursor to heart disease or it can be a wake-up call that you need to make some changes in your life to increase your life span. Make some small modifications and you should get that number back under control.
  • MNSCU CPR training classes at multiple locations accross metro area June 15, 2011Troy Bowman
    MNSCU MRTC CPR Training Classes We are affiliated with MNSCU , one of the largest Multi Regional Training Centers for the American Heart Association. We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered ...
  • In-Pulse CPR is Now Offering CPR Training Classes at 7 Metro Locations in Tampa FL Area June 10, 2011Troy Bowman
    Online PR News – 06-January-2011 –In-Pulse CPR is excited to announce the start of CPR training classes within the Tampa Bay, Florida area. Public class locations include Temple Terrace, Lakeland, East Tampa, North Tampa, Brandon, Clearwater, Oldsmar and others. Classes are offered to the general public as well as private group classes ...
  • The Top 4 Heart Healthy Foods June 6, 2011Pamela Arsena
    There are many foods that benefit the heart but there are 4 heart healthy foods which act as super foods.
  • CPR classes in Tampa June 1, 2011Troy Bowman
    Tampa first aid training classes | Tampa  AED training classes | Tampa CPR training classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each ...
  • Aspirin Dosages May 25, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    In addition, taking an aspirin during a heart attack has proven to save the life of the sufferer.
  • The University of Tampa students are welcome to our CPR Training Classes May 24, 2011Troy Bowman
    UT CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental ...
  • Nursing Shortages May 23, 2011Troy Bowman
    The nursing shortage has many bad side effects in the medical community. It increases the number of hours nurses have to work. The increase of hours makes nurses feel highly stressed which in turn in some cases may lead to them not getting to spend time with their loved ones.
  • CPR training MN – 13 class locations to choose from May 18, 2011Troy Bowman
    View our calendar now We offer public classes two or three times every week.  Our class locations rotate to include over 13 class locations in total.  We offer classes in Minneapolis, St Paul, Apple Valley, Rosemount, Eagan, Maple Grove, Eden Prairie, Edina, Oakdale, Mendota Heights, Golden Valley, Brooklyn Park, Hopkins, Cottage Grove and others…. Healthcare CPR Dental CPR BLS ...
  • CPR and its Meaning May 12, 2011Mollie Bowman
    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is simply a way of “buying time”
  • Automated External Defibrillator’s and the Workplace May 12, 2011Laura_Frost
    Written by Laura Frost In today’s world, we are noticing more and more people who have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or something indicating a problem with the heart. It is far too common that people are seen in the emergency room and placed on medication to make their heart slow down, ...
  • First Aid and Medical Information at Your Fingertips May 8, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    first aid and CPR applications and programs are also being developed. These applications provide step-by-step instructions
  • Cardiac arrest cost employers May 6, 2011Mollie Bowman
    Many of those deaths happened at work. Each death yesterday will cost employers, employees, and their families today and for the foreseeable near future.
  • The Joy of Living in Minnesota May 5, 2011Laura_Frost
    Minnesota is the place to be for a slower, more relaxed environment. So if you live in the state, take a deep breath of fresh forest air and if you are thinking of living there, rent a family cabin for the weekend to enjoy all the joy Minnesota has to offer.
  • In-Pulse CPR is now offering monthly CPR training classes in Duluth MN April 22, 2011Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR offers American Heart CPR and AED training at multiple locations across central MN.  Because of demand, In-Pulse CPR has added a monthly class in the Duluth / Superior area. This class includes CPR certification for the following groups: BLS Healthcare: Nurses, dental workers, medical assistants, or anyone working the the healthcare industry required to have ...
  • Century College Students Wecome to our CPR Training Classes April 17, 2011Troy Bowman
    Century College, Coon Rapids MN CPR Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident ...
  • Tips for your First Automated External Defibrillator Purchase April 15, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    An AED will assist you to save the life of a heart attack victim – but only if you have one readily available and have been trained in its use. So do some legwork now and save a life in the future.
  • Public CPR training in Minnesota Twin Cities area April 8, 2011Troy Bowman
    Visit our calendar to select a class near you.  BLS Healthcare and non medical (layman) CPR training in a fun environment.  CPR classes that will not put you to sleep – guaranteed! Visit our calendar of upcoming classes **** Nursing CPR, Dental CPR, Healthcare CPR, Minneapolis CPR, CPR training in MN, ...
  • Burn Wound Care April 8, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    After the immediate burn has been treated, make plans to seek medical advice and have the wound treated by a medical professional as soon as possible to ensure that the burn does not become infected. The doctor may also be able to prescribe some topical ointment to keep the burn moist to ease scarring…
  • Sugar Intake Linked to Obesity April 7, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    In an effort to assist the American Heart Association in limiting the population’s intake of sugar and decreasing the obesity risk, many schools
  • HACC students needing CPR certification welcome to attend April 4, 2011Troy Bowman
    Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) students welcome to attend our public American Heart CPR Training Classes for two year certification. At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom ...
  • New CPR Class Dates for Faribault MN March 16, 2011Troy Bowman
    After repeated requests for more CPR classes in the southern part of Minnesota, In-Pulse CPR is now offering a monthly public CPR class in Faribault MN.  This class will appear on various dates at the AmericInn Lodge and Suites conference room on Lavender Drive in Faribault, MN. Click here to View our Class Calendar Faribault ...
  • AHA CPR classes in Tampa Florida March 15, 2011Troy Bowman
    In-Pulse CPR will be offering weekly classes in the Tampa Florida area starting in January 2011. ‘We are very excited to fill a need for more public classes in central Florida’ says a spokesman for In-Pulse CPR.
  • CPR training classes in Twin Cities area March 14, 2011Troy Bowman
    Everyone should know how to perform proper “CPR’ in an emergency. It’s a matter of LIFE or DEATH. Nurses, daycare providers, and even dentists are required to have a current CPR certification. You may be required also. Register for a Heartsaver CPR or BLS Healthcare Provider class today. Visit our calendar to ...
  • New MN Law: Child care Workers required to be CPR trained March 11, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    A new Minnesota state law established August 13, 2010 now requires at least one staff member in childcare facilities licensed by the state to have a current CPR certification to be at the facility at all times. This means that at least one or more early childhood teachers,
  • First Aid safety tips for the Outdoorsman March 10, 2011Nupur Agarwal
    However we cannot control the forces of nature. In case you may lose your bearings and be forced to spend the night unexpectedly. Daypack of a hunter should include a map…
  • University of South Florida students are welcome to our CPR Training Classes March 9, 2011Troy Bowman
    USF Florida CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs ...
  • North Hennepin Community College welcome to attend our CPR training classes. March 7, 2011Troy Bowman
    North Hennepin Community College MN CPR Training Classes We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in ...
  • White Bear Lake CPR Training Classes March 5, 2011Troy Bowman
    White Bear Lake First Aid Training Classes  |  White Bear Lake AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the ...
  • Apple Valley CPR Training Classes March 5, 2011Troy Bowman
    Apple Valley First Aid Training Classes  |  Apple Valley AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling ...
  • Avoid Swimming Pool Accidents March 3, 2011Pamela Arsena
    Even though most of the time spent at the pool will be fun and safe one most consider the risk of pool related injuries. Are you prepared to
  • Common Household Injuries and the Importance of First Aid March 2, 2011Pamela Arsena
    In any given day there will be almost 62,000 injuries that result from an accident that occurred at home,
  • In-Pulse CPR is now offering CPR training classes at 10 metro locations in Minneapolis area March 2, 2011Troy Bowman
    Online PR News – 16-December-2009 – ,– In-Pulse CPR is now offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation classes at 10 locations in the Minneapolis and St Paul Minn…
  • Cough CPR March 1, 2011Mollie Bowman
    Cough CPR is referred to as a method of preventing a cardiac arrest if you are alone. I do not feel that “cough CPR” should be taught…
  • Rasmussen College students are welcome to our CPR Training Classes February 22, 2011Troy Bowman
    Rasmussen Collage CPR Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills they gained.  Our classes are fun too! Click here for Minnesota ...
  • Corporate CPR training needed February 20, 2011Troy Bowman
    There are three different types of certification courses available and the one that is right for you depend on your line of work.
  • American Heart CPR classes in Pasco County Florida February 19, 2011Troy Bowman
    Local American Heart CPR, AED, and First Aid classes in Tampa Florida area.  Class locations include: CPR class locations:  Zephyrhills, Wesley Chapel… Bayonet Point, Beacon Point, Dade City, Elfers, Gulf Harbors, Holiday, Hudson, Lacoochee, Land O’ Lakes, New Port Richey, Odessa, Port Richey, San Antonio, Shady Hills, St. Leo, Trinity, Wesley Chapel, Zephyrhills and others. View ...
  • American Heart CPR classes in Pinellas County Florida February 18, 2011Troy Bowman
    Local American Heart CPR, AED, and First Aid classes in Tampa Florida area. CPR class locations include:  Clearwater, Pinellas Park, Oldsmar… Bay Pines, Belleair, Belleair Beach, Belleair Bluffs, Belleair Shore, Boca Ciega, Clearwater, Crystal Beach, Dunedin, East Lake, Gulfport, Indian Rocks Beach, Indian Shores, Kenneth City, Largo, Madeira Beach, North Redington Beach, Oldsmar, ...
  • American Heart CPR classes in Hillsborough County Florida February 16, 2011Troy Bowman
    Local American Heart CPR, AED, and First Aid classes in Tampa Florida area.  Class locations include: CPR class locations:  Tampa, Brandon, Dover, Orient Park Apollo Beach, Balm, Bealsville, Bloomingdale, Brandon, Carrollwood Village, Dover, Gibsonton, Lithia, Lutz, Mango, Orient Park, Plant City, Riverview, Ruskin, Seffner, Sun City Center, Tampa, Temple Terrace, Thonotosassa, Valrico, Wimauma, ...
  • The ABC’s are changing to CAB’s January 17, 2011Carin Mangimeli
    The American Heart Association recently changed the CPR guidelines to reflect five years of research indicating restarting blood circulation is more important…
  • Hennepin Technical College Students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes January 4, 2011Troy Bowman
    Hennepin Technical College MN CPR Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student ...
  • How to Tell if Your Baby is Choking January 1, 2011Troy Bowman
    As a baby starts to eat more solid food this becomes more and more of a possibility. This is complicated by the fact that some babies are more vocal than others which can make confusing for parents to know if their baby is really choking.
  • Minneapolis CPR classes needed for Healthcare workers September 20, 2010Troy Bowman
    Basic Life Support (BLS for short) CPR training classes are needed by thousands of healthcare professionals (including nurses, dental workers, and other healthcare professionals) within the Minneapolis / St Paul area.   Now finding a public CPR class is easier than ever by visiting In-Pulse CPR s all new class calendar. Click here to View ...
  • Public Pennsylvania CPR training classes in York, Harrisburg, Gettysburg and Lancaster September 3, 2010Troy Bowman
    Visit our calendar to select a class near you.  BLS Healthcare and non medical (layman) CPR training in a fun environment.  CPR classes that will not put you to sleep – guaranteed! Visit our calendar of upcoming classes **** Nursing CPR, Dental CPR, Healthcare CPR, Pennsylvania CPR, CPR training in PA, Daycare CPR, Childcare CPR, Babysitting CPR, ...
  • Camping Injury Concerns July 11, 2010Nupur Agarwal
    Be sure to check your first aid kit annually and replenish any exhausted or outdated medicines and supplies. And don’t forget to always take a well-stocked first aid kit whenever you go camping.
  • University of Minnesota students are welcome to our CPR Training Classes July 9, 2010Troy Bowman
    U of MN CPR Training Classes   We have a large amount of nursing, dental, and EMT students who take our classes over an equivalent college offered course.   Please be assured that all nursing or dental programs in the area will accept our program to fulfill your CPR requirements.   When signing up please select a BLS ...
  • Eden Prairie CPR Training Classes June 24, 2010Troy Bowman
    Eden Prairie First Aid Training Classes  |  Eden Prairie AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling ...
  • Anoka Ramsey Community College Students welcome to attend our CPR Training Classes June 24, 2010Troy Bowman
    Anoka Ramsey Community College MN CPR Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills ...
  • Brooklyn Park CPR Training Classes June 23, 2010Troy Bowman
    Brooklyn Park First Aid Training Classes  |  Brooklyn Park AED Training Classes At In-Pulse CPR we take pride in our quality of teaching. We use the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment to provide for an interactive, experiential learning environment. We make sure that each student leaves the classroom feeling confident in the skills ...
  • Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens May 11, 2010Carin Mangimeli
    According to the AHA, these courses are for people that are required to receive the training due to state regulations. Frequently, these workers can reasonably anticipate coming into contact with blood or other biohazardous
  • LUCAS Device Helps Saves Lives March 10, 2010Troy Bowman
    There is a new device on the market that not only makes CPR more efficient but it also makes the lives of doctors and EMT’s much easier.

Blog Categories: What is CPR?Why do we need CPR training?Why do we need AED training?Why do we need First Aid training?Who needs Bloodborne Pathogens training? | What employers need to know about CPR training for their staff | Staying HealthyAvoiding Injuries | Tributes to those who help make our lives safe | Survival stories | CNA Blog